- Beardie name(s)
- Cole
If a bearded dragon is digging because it is gravid, how many days will it dig for? When should I be concerned?
How can you tell if a bearded dragon is in brumation or is being lethargic?
My bearded dragon dug 3 times for a few seconds if I don’t see it again does that mean he wasn’t gravid? (I’m unsure if he is gravid. He isn’t displaying any other signs. And he might have been scraping purée off his mouth.) Or does that mean the eggs got stuck?
Will he constantly dig and run around when it is time?
Do they do it during the day or night time?
Will he be able to find the dig box on his own if he needs it?
The dig box is 4 inches high and 3/4 of the way full. Is that tall enough?
How do I know if something goes wrong?
If he digs should I leave him alone? Will he not want to be watched?
How do I know if he has laid all the eggs?
I thought loose substrate is bad for bearded dragons. Would putting in a dog box with loose substrate hurt him eventually?
How can you tell if a bearded dragon is in brumation or is being lethargic?
My bearded dragon dug 3 times for a few seconds if I don’t see it again does that mean he wasn’t gravid? (I’m unsure if he is gravid. He isn’t displaying any other signs. And he might have been scraping purée off his mouth.) Or does that mean the eggs got stuck?
Will he constantly dig and run around when it is time?
Do they do it during the day or night time?
Will he be able to find the dig box on his own if he needs it?
The dig box is 4 inches high and 3/4 of the way full. Is that tall enough?
How do I know if something goes wrong?
If he digs should I leave him alone? Will he not want to be watched?
How do I know if he has laid all the eggs?
I thought loose substrate is bad for bearded dragons. Would putting in a dog box with loose substrate hurt him eventually?
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