A few questions about gravid bearded dragons and brumation.


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If a bearded dragon is digging because it is gravid, how many days will it dig for? When should I be concerned?
How can you tell if a bearded dragon is in brumation or is being lethargic?
My bearded dragon dug 3 times for a few seconds if I don’t see it again does that mean he wasn’t gravid? (I’m unsure if he is gravid. He isn’t displaying any other signs. And he might have been scraping purée off his mouth.) Or does that mean the eggs got stuck?
Will he constantly dig and run around when it is time?
Do they do it during the day or night time?
Will he be able to find the dig box on his own if he needs it?
The dig box is 4 inches high and 3/4 of the way full. Is that tall enough?
How do I know if something goes wrong?
If he digs should I leave him alone? Will he not want to be watched?
How do I know if he has laid all the eggs?
I thought loose substrate is bad for bearded dragons. Would putting in a dog box with loose substrate hurt him eventually?
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He was digging in his hut again while he was glass surfing. I tried placing him in the box and he jumped out of it. I don’t know if he really was paying attention to it though. He was kinda upset I moved him. If he is gravid will he eventually use the box? Or does this mean I need a different box?


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Couple things,

If you know him to be a male, he's not gravid. Only females can lay eggs.
A gravid female will not brumate.
Digging is a natural behavior and not indicative of anything else outside of other contributing behaviors.



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Couple things,

If you know him to be a male, he's not gravid. Only females can lay eggs.
A gravid female will not brumate.
Digging is a natural behavior and not indicative of anything else outside of other contributing behaviors.

I think he is probably female. I don’t think he is in brumation, I’ve just always been curious about that question. The only other behavior I saw besides digging to indicate he is gravid is today he was glass surfing. He was not glass surfing when he dug the 3 times. I’m not sure if he is gravid.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Post a picture like the one up above (you don't need to use a flashlight) and we can help determine if your dragon is male or female.



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Post a picture like the one up above (you don't need to use a flashlight) and we can help determine if your dragon is male or female.

Some people on here already helped me with that. They say female. Vet said most likely female as well. I just call him a him because I had him for 4 years and he’s always been a he. But thank you!


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Some people on here already helped me with that. They say female. Vet said most likely female as well.
Well, that doesn't help people much when you refer to you dragon as a male on a thread questioning if your dragon is gravid lol.

Can you feel any eggs? Does your dragons belly seem any larger?

If your dragon is gravid and has eggs, and has access to a suitable dig box, it will lay eggs when it's ready. It will not brumate while gravid.



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Well, that doesn't help people much when you refer to you dragon as a male on a thread questioning if your dragon is gravid lol.

Can you feel any eggs? Does your dragons belly seem any larger?

If your dragon is gravid and has eggs, and has access to a suitable dig box, it will lay eggs when it's ready. It will not brumate while gravid.

No I can not feel eggs the last time I checked which was Thursday. It felt squishy. His belly does not seem any larger. Especially since I was at the vet 10/27 and it the vet said he lost a little weight. I have a dig box in his tank just in case. Thank you for helping!


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

So the vet did help with the sex of your dragon & is pretty confident she is female?
So many times they are misgendered & end up laying infertile eggs just out of the blue.
Continue to leave the laybox in for him in the case he might be female.
Is she not eating much right now?

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Sub-Adult Member
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So the vet did help with the sex of your dragon & is pretty confident she is female?
So many times they are misgendered & end up laying infertile eggs just out of the blue.
Continue to leave the laybox in for him in the case he might be female.
Is she not eating much right now?

He laid Wednesday. After laying he is eating well. He actually never stopped eating. The vet knew he was female with the x-ray, but was unable to find eggs. So, I had the lay box in for a while but it is out now. Thank you!

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