
  1. K

    Please help!! Rescued beardie extremely sick

    I recently rescued a bearded dragon a few months ago as my first reptile. I was told I was getting a healthy beardie with the entire setup for relatively cheap. When I picked him up he was motionless and they said he's just lazy but he moves around during the day. He was in a very loud and...
  2. C

    13yr Old (F) Tail and Head Fat Stores Depleted

    Hey all, I Have a 13-year-old female that is lethargic, sleeps for most of the day, has a hard time passing waste, and generally hasn't been eating much recently. I took her to the vet and they are giving her a vitamin, fluid, and anti-biotic shot (so far 2 of each spaced 3 days apart, with the...
  3. Amalgamates

    Emergency vet for sudden illness, wouldn't move. Possibly tumor (passed away)

    EDIT: I love you Nancy, R.I.P., she died of these health complications. Thread kept up in case anyone else in the future has similar issues and s searching, I sympathize with you. Nancy has suddenly fallen very ill within the past 3 days - little to no movement other than shifting positions...
  4. M

    Swelling but kidney and liver function fine

    My 2 year old has developed swollen limbs which have impaired mobility and he has reduced appetite and excretion. Following x-rays the Vet has said this is due to "efflusions" in the joints. It was expected that this would be caused by gout and possible kidney problems however the blood tests...
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