
  1. A

    Getting ready to lay eggs but acting very strange

    Addi is about 3 years old and she is in the stages of laying eggs. She has been barely eating for 3 weeks and been very tired. We went to a vet about 4 days ago and she was told that she has signs that she could have MBD. They gave her a shot of vitamins. Yesterday she threw up weird chunks and...
  2. Ravenna

    Birth Defect

    First of all, English isn't my first language, so excuse me for making mistakes. We have been breeding two (now three) times. Two times we didn't encounter any serious problems. But the third time the babies have been totally fine till some time ... They all experience the same spine problems...
  3. K


    I had bearded dragon eggs in the incubator, they are due any time now, my younger sister took the tub out and dropped it and most of the eggs have burst and they have come out but still have sack. Shall I try remove sack or leave them? Will they come out by themselves? Will they make it? I’m not...
  4. L

    Is my Bearded Dragon impacted, gravid, or egg bound?

    Finley is a 5 year old beardie. she laid eggs in 2020, but not since then. I took her to the vet about a month ago because she hasnt been eating any veggies of any kind (which is rare) and only will sometimes eat live. The test came back with a high glucose of 660 and the specialist thought it...
  5. L

    Is my Bearded Dragon impacted, gravid, or egg bound?

    Finley is a 5 year old beardie. she laid eggs in 2020, but not since then. I took her to the vet about a month ago because she hasnt been eating any veggies of any kind (which is rare) and only will sometimes eat live. The test came back with a high glucose of 660 and the specialist thought it...
  6. K

    Egg broke

    So i have some eggs in the incubator. And one of the eggs broke and the baby is completely out of the egg. The yolk is still attached and the baby is fully formed. The baby is still moving so I put it in a sterile container on some damp paper and put it back in the incubator. What else can I...
  7. Nabewolf

    Ripleys 2nd eggo adventure!

    ok so back in april my girl Ripley laid her very first clutch, i didnt ever realise that she was gravid at the time and had figured she was just really bored and wanted out of her tank. she ended up laying them in her tank one night while i was at work.... all 30 of them lol they were infertile...
  8. U

    Olive Lays Eggs - First time!

    My Olive (3 years old, turning 4 soon) has laid her first infertile clutch of eggs! A whopping 31 total. Well, turns out that my coworker bought a beautiful male that has bright orange, white mouth spots, and dark brown along his sides. We want to breed a single clutch of eggs between those...
  9. C

    Collapsing eggs

    My beardie just laid eggs yesterday and we put them in perlite with water where it just clumps together and had a heat lamp but now they are starting to collapsing. The digital thermometer/hygrothrmo that read 83 for temp and 84 for humidity. That’s what I gathered off of reading the forums...
  10. J

    Beardie is 12 years old and laying eggs?

    This is my first time using a forum, so apologies if this isn't the right place. I have yet to find any answer similar to this online. My bearded dragon is around 12/13 years old. We got her in 2013 when she was already an adult. She has laid eggs for years now, all infertile obviously, but for...
  11. L

    Struggling with eggs again..spay?

    Hello, Some of you may have read my posts in the past about my bearded dragon Liz who has MBD and often struggles to lay her eggs. Unfortunately she's also prone to laying many clutches of eggs (her record was 8 in a row in 2019) and it just takes such a toll on her. Right now it's been a...
  12. K

    Bearded dragon not laying eggs! Plz help!!

    My bearded dragon has been gravid for 6 weeks & isn’t laying her eggs, I’ve put her in her lay box for the past week as she was getting restless & digging in her tank. She’s digging but very little and once she digs her cave she comes right out of it and starts to “glass surf” in her dig box...
  13. L

    How common is it for bearded dragons to have eggs in the winter?

    My bearded dragon Liz is very prone to laying lots of eggs--one year she laid 8 clutches back to back. She normally starts laying the spring or summer months and is done by September. However, the past few days she's been extremely restless. She won't stop running around her cage just like she...
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