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  1. Mybabybeardies's Legacy Uploads

    Mybabybeardies's Legacy Uploads

  2. M

    What do you put in your dry roach feed??

    Wow how many roaches do you have? I'm just starting a small colony but it seems like they barely touch their dried food.
  3. M

    What do you put in your dry roach feed??

    I'm out of dry roach feed and decided to just make my own. What do you put in yours? I have flaxseed, chia seed (can they even be used?) rolled oats, oat flour, quinoa, maybe other stuff. Not even sure if I can use any of this? I can get different stuff too if needed.
  4. M

    Keeping dubias warm enough to breed...

    Ok. Thanks. Does a heat pad really warm the air much or just the floor. Thinking about getting a ceramic heat lamp but nervous to use it because of fire risk since the roaches aquarium is stored in the lower cabinet of the dragon's aquaruim and I'm using cardboard to darken it. I am making it...
  5. M

    Keeping dubias warm enough to breed...

    I have my breeder dubias in an aquarium with a heat pad under it but I don't think it's warm enough. I was considering using a light on top but won't that make it too bright in the cage? I thought they like it dark? They just don't seem to be reproducing very quickly so thought maybe it's nit...
  6. M

    Never seen a poop like this. (Pic)

    Ok. Thank you.
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    Never seen a poop like this. (Pic)

    My dragon is just under 4 months old. I've had her since she was 1 month old. She's grown a lot and is very active. After some adjustment time she now eats really well. She mostly eats dubias with a few meals of crickets mixed in each week. She's just starting eating some of her salads...
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  9. M

    Any way to get dubia roaches to breed faster?

    Ya that's what I'm doing. I had ordered 1000 the last 2 months thinking by the time I'd get through them my colony would be doing well but they go through them so quickly. I have a heat pad under one side and I feed them a dry powder, fresh veggie scraps a few times a week and orange slices...
  10. M

    Any way to get dubia roaches to breed faster?

    My baby dragons are eating me out of house and home. Lol!! Is it possible to get the females to breed more or more often or just make sure it's optimal conditions to breed? What are these conditions? I have 30-35 females and about 20 males. I'm getting babies because there are tiny ones but...
  11. M

    Feeding baby dragons

    Ok. Thank you. They are 3 mos old. They get plenty of high quality bugs. They get dubias mostly with a meal or two a week of crickets. We tried black fly larvae but they don't really care fir them. Horn worms ans silkworms arent cost efficient at this point because they eat so many. My food...
  12. M

    Feeding baby dragons

    Yes I plan to offer veggies everyday and of course bugs twice per day now that I've got more. I'm just wondering if once a week or every few weeks if I should do a day of just one bug meal to encourage them to eat their veggies. They only seem to go for them when they are really hungry.
  13. M

    Babies don't like to be handled at all....

    My babies don't like coming out of their enclosures and just try yo scurry away if you try to hold them so I haven't been for fear of losing one or added stress they don't need. Will they settle down with age? The one comes to the glass of her aquarium often and will look at you and tilt her...
  14. M

    Feeding baby dragons

    I am running low on dubias so I have been doing a couple of days of only 1 meal of them and then making sure a nice bowl of veggies are available. For the first time my babies are actually eating some of their veggies. Should I continue to do it once a week or maybe every 2 weeks to get them...
  15. M

    Question on amount of feeding

    I'm a newbie too. I've only had my babies for 2 months but have you considered getting dubia roaches (small) and a dish with high enough sides they can't climb out and after he's eaten all his crickets or just before you leave putting maybe 10-15 in his dish so he can eat when he gets hungry...
  16. M

    How to clean the glass with them in it

    Is there a way to clean the spots and stuff of the inside of the glass of my dragons enclosure and be able to return her to it right after cleaning? She's just a baby and doesn't care for being handled so I try to get her back in quickly when I clean it. I take out the decor to clean it and...
  17. M

    How long should it take for a new dragon to eat?

    I agree live insects are best for baby dragons I have 2 and neither of them touch their veggies which I give daily but devour their dubias and crickets. I have tried black fly larvae but they don't eat them very well. One does eat baby horn worms but horn worms grow very quickly so is you try...
  18. M

    Baby Dragon hardly eats.

    Dubias are great. I mostly feed them and my babies love them and are growing like crazy. I suggest you start a colony though. I have 2 babies but went through 1000 in about a month. I'm ordering more and more adult females. I have 10 females now but my colony is slow going. It can't keep up with...
  19. M

    Are they getting enough to eat?

    They are in their own enclosures .
  20. M

    Are they getting enough to eat?

    Ok thank you I do offer salad daily too. I have been feeding bfl in the afternoon and it's late morning before they are all gone. They usually eat a few and then might snack on a few a few times throughout the evening and finish them in the morning. I free feed because my girls rarely clean...
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