Search results

  1. Kitlings

    Vet Mis-diagnosis? Male or female?

    Simple question: Is my dragon male or female? Charmander was sold to me at 5 months old by a reputable breeder, as a male dragon. Shortly after, I took him to an exotic veterinarian, Dr. Susan Kelleher of Broward Avian & Exotic (I live in the area and had no idea they were the star of a...
  2. Kitlings

    Dig Box - Hot or Cold?

    Which is the best side to place a dig box - hot or cold? The hot side risks getting the sub too dusty when dry, which irritates reptiles’ eyes and lungs, and makes it harder to dig. The cool side risks the sub remaining too moist and growing fungus/mold. It is a balancing act. In your...
  3. Kitlings

    Not Eating After Brumation

    My female 2-year-old dragon brumated for the month of December and woke up in January. It's been 6 days since she woke up and she's been very active and alert, but she won't eat a thing. Tried her favorite greens, fresh food, freeze-dried food, and she even turned away live feeders...
  4. Kitlings

    Pain relief/remedies for a swollen toe?

    Hi all, I have a 1-year old dragon with a swollen toe, who got checked out by an exotic vet last week. A x-ray revealed the toe was fractured, and has evidence (fuzzy margins on the bone) that there is an infection present. She was prescribed the injectable antibiotic certazidime (fortaz...
  5. Kitlings

    Ate Tomato Leaves

    My 5-month-old dragon accidentally ate a few of my cherry tomato leaves and I'm very worried. I didn't know they were toxic. I don't have any activated charcoal on hand unfortunately. I searched through old posts on here and fed him a slurry of parsley and cilantro (as it seems like that has...
  6. Kitlings

    Pooping During Sleep?

    Why do they do this, and is it a health issue? My beardie is about 2 years old, spayed, not brumating. I have proper UV and a halogen heat bulb that I use during the day, and a CHE that I use at night (we are in Canada and it gets cold at night). Starting a few months ago, I will check her...
  7. Kitlings

    Arcadia UVB Fixture and Bulb Output Questions

    Hey, I'm thinking about investing in an Arcadia fixture (instead of ZooMed+Reptisun). I have a few specific questions about Arcadia setups, though. This is the one I'm looking to get for my 40g tank: -...
  8. Kitlings

    Bleeding Toe, Possible Amputation?

    Hi guys, my beardie's toe/claw started looking odd a few weeks ago. The toe and claw looked red/black, and would start bleeding if you touched it too much. I'm not sure if she injured it herself on a rock or something, but I believe that some shed got stuck and started to constrict blood flow...
  9. Kitlings

    Any Bearded Dragon rescue in Ontario, Canada seeking help?

    I will be in the area and currently have no job, so I am wondering if there are bearded dragon/reptile/other animal rescues in the area that are looking for help. As I understand it, most dragon rescues are small and private, so I doubt I will get any response, but I'm just throwing it out there.
  10. Kitlings

    Help Save My Beardie - She is in sudden need of surgery.

    Hi everyone. I've posted here quite a few times in the past year about my little dragon's care and health. She's had a rough first year of her life, that's for sure. I did my absolute best to take care of her. As a new bearded dragon owner, I wanted to make sure I got everything right and I...
  11. Kitlings

    Beardie is suddenly stumbling and jerking head around

    She's been eating very poorly lately and is on Healx immune booster and BeneBac plus. She naps in her cave during the daytime and comes out in the evening. All was fine today until a few minutes ago. She started jerking her head around like she was looking for something but it was unusual. I...
  12. Kitlings

    Concerned about MBD or any possible cause of odd walking

    My beardie has kind of a strange walk. Her wrists turn slightly inward and she walks on the outer edge of her palms (like walking on her pinkie fingers). I asked about this before, she regularly goes to the vet, and so far no one thinks it's a big deal. But it's slowly getting worse. She...
  13. Kitlings

    My Dragon HATES Healx Booster... Any Syringe-Feeding Tips?

    My beardie Lazaron is taking Healx Booster. Boy she hates it. She's been on a lot of things so far, but nothing makes her act as aggressively as this. At first I tried hiding the booster in her salad. She tasted it right away, spit it out, and RAN from the rest of the salad plate in disgust...
  14. Kitlings

    I don't know what to do with my dragon.

    My beardie and I have gone through a lot last year. She is a year old now. When I got her, she had YFD. She has been going through treatment for almost her entire life now. Just when we finished the medication and her health was looking up, she suddenly stopped eating again. Now she is becoming...
  15. Kitlings

    Beardie Twists Her Wrists and Toes into a Weird Position

    Hi all, my beardie does this weird thing with her wrists: Might be that the floor is too hot... but it didn't feel hot to the touch and I was barefoot. It's certainly not hotter than her tank. I made an album of some recent pictures of her. She doesn't always do it...
  16. Kitlings

    CHE Questions

    I bought a CHE for the first time yesterday. Since they are highly recommended, I decided to try one. However, I am having a problem with their short heat distribution. The CHE is in an exo-terra heat lamp, clamped onto the side of my 75g glass tank. It is about 12 inches away from my dragon's...
  17. Kitlings

    Beardie looks almost dead, extremely skinny, red sunken eyes

    Please help. I was gone for 10 days and left my bearded dragon in my family's care. I came home last night to my beardie almost dead. I don't know how they could have let it get this way, especially in such a short time -- I even left them contact numbers from a reptile specialty store and from...
  18. Kitlings

    Treating Yellow Fungus Disease

    For two weeks now, I have been treating my 6-month old beardie, Lazaron, for yellow fungus. I noticed the discoloration first appearing around her vent about two weeks ago: In my search for a local reptile vet, I called the reptile specialty store which originally I bought her from, and they...
  19. Kitlings

    Few Urates in Poop?

    What does it mean when there is almost no white urates in the poop? I know hard or yellow urates are bad, but now I'm at a loss. I have been giving her a lot more water lately since it looked like she was starting to get dehydrated.
  20. Kitlings

    Yellow Fungus Treatment with Tinactin

    I noticed some patches of yellow developing around my beardie's vent recently, and thanks to google and this forum, I realized it might be a fungal infection. So I had her checked out by a reptile vet, and unfortunately, yes she has yellow fungus. Fortunately, they said I caught it very early so...
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