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  1. Pushkin

    Meet Khaleesi my new baby beardie!

    Haha, I know exactly what you mean! I still use gloves when I feed mine, I can't bring myself to touch them. :p But they are healthy for beardies and they don't jump and smell! :)
  2. Pushkin

    Meet Khaleesi my new baby beardie!

    As for advice, here are some of the best tips/ideas that I've gotten here: 1. Make sure that you are using a fluorescent UVB light. UVB is essential, but some bulbs can actually do more harm than help. The general consensus is that the Reptisun 10.0 fluorescent tube is the best option out...
  3. Pushkin

    What finally cured Narley!

    Thank you so much guys! I am very happy (and feel dumb for not trying probiotics sooner). Live and learn. Narley is still doing great! :D Took this photo the other day, cuddle-time. :mrgreen:
  4. Pushkin

    Meet Khaleesi my new baby beardie!

    LOVE the name, would definitely use it if I every got a girl! :D
  5. Pushkin

    What finally cured Narley!

    I posted this in the Health forum, but thought I would update all of you here too! I'm so happy - Narley is finally "cured"!!! When I first purchased Narley (from a highly reputable breeder), he struggled to use the restroom and would only go once every 3-4 days. The vet determined that he had...
  6. Pushkin

    The Power of Probiotics!

    I wanted to post about my situation with Narley in case anyone faces a similar situation with their dragons. When I first purchased Narley (from a highly reputable breeder), he struggled to use the restroom and would only go once every 3-4 days. The vet determined that he had parasites, but...
  7. Pushkin

    Levi the Leviathan

    He's adorable!! He looks a lot like my Pushkin did when he was that age! :D
  8. Pushkin

    What finally cured Narley!

    Thanks!! =) He does get SO yellow in the sun! CCD produces amazing citruses! I love this face!
  9. Pushkin

    What finally cured Narley!

    Hi everyone! Just updating with some new photos! Pushkin is eating like a champ, doing much, much better. I guess he was just slow coming out of brumation, but IV and Critical Care got him right back on track! :D First, Narley: And Pushkin! ^He's become an escape artist! Have to keep the...
  10. Pushkin

    What finally cured Narley!

    Decided to take Pushkin to the vet today because his appetite never came back after brumating. He will literally eat maybe a cricket every 3 days. Maybe one or two leaves a day. Basically nothing. Yet somehow he is still fat and hyperactive. :lol: The vet thought he looked so healthy and he...
  11. Pushkin

    Training dragons? Nothing huge, of course

    My Petsmart sells crickets in a box - you pop open a little door in the box for the crickets to crawl out of. At first, my beardie would just wander around and hunt a cricket when he saw them, but as soon as he figured out they were coming from the door, he learned to sit and wait just outside...
  12. Pushkin

    What finally cured Narley!

    He says, thank you very much. :lol: No joke!! This is him every day these days!
  13. Pushkin

    What finally cured Narley!

    I just moved to a new house! Pushkin and Narley seem to like it so far. :mrgreen: There are stairs to climb and large window sills to bask on! Both are doing well enough, but they do know how to worry me. Pushkin is still barely eating, and Narley is still rarely going to the bathroom. Pushkin...
  14. Pushkin

    I'm a Mommy Again!! Everyone Meet Ember & Introducing Kai!!

    Your dragons are soooo pretty! I especially love the photos of them sleeping - I love how beardies fold up their legs when they sleep!
  15. Pushkin

    Spyro, Ember, Toki, Taz, Rufus, and Scarlett-new pics

    It is great to hear an update! You really have a full house, don't you! But I bet there is so much love and joy that is spread around with all of those dogs and dragons. :D Looking forward to photos!
  16. Pushkin

    What finally cured Narley!

    That is so exciting!!! Good luck with building the enclosure! :D Thank you!!! :D I love them both - they are so different from each other and so full of personality! I really need to get some better photos soon and post an update! :)
  17. Pushkin

    What's so bad about Petsmart?

    Yeah, again, I have to say that the problems mentioned here are not ones that I have noticed at my PetsMart! They feed the baby beardies small crickets and pellets, and the most I have seen together is two. Usually, they keep one to a tank. Of course the enclosures are small, but there is only...
  18. Pushkin

    Not Eating?

    Thank you for the responses! I will just keep an eye on him then. He does seem anxious to find a girlfriend! He has been a chaotic little monster these past few weeks!
  19. Pushkin

    What's so bad about Petsmart?

    My Petsmart is actually really great when it comes to their animals. At most, they'll have two baby beardies in a tank and they always look alert and happy. Several of the girls who work in that area own beardies, and one even ran a rescue for a while, so they have given me good advice (that...
  20. Pushkin

    Not Eating?

    Pushkin has been up from brumating for about a month, but he's still not eating. Most days, he'll eat nothing. Sometimes I can get him to eat a single wax worm or a blueberry, but otherwise, he just won't eat. :( He's SUPER active, though! He practically refuses to stay in his tank - he's...
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