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  1. Jam

    Several Minutes of Arm Waving with new log in cage [VIDEO]

    That was a great video, my son loved it. I think your dragon was doing a sacred log dance to welcome it to it's new home. Too cute!
  2. Jam

    I think my Dragon is going CRAZY.. any thoughts?

    Yes, I believe he is full of energy as well. Whenever I do handle him (past month or so) he is too quick for me. Ok a dig box with what in it, sand? or something else? I feed him twice a day and I have the temp readers that give degree & humidity on seperate dials. I wanted to get the digital...
  3. Jam

    I think my Dragon is going CRAZY.. any thoughts?

    Yeah he is breathing hard because he is going crazy on the plastic container and typically I have to check to see if he is breathing because he is super calm. I have three main lights, basking, uvb and night heat bulb. Sometimes I put the 2nd basking light on in the morning if its really cold in...
  4. Jam

    I think my Dragon is going CRAZY.. any thoughts?

    Ok, so I noticed a few weeks ago that his behavior has changed and I just figured it was because he was shedding. Well I don't know, he is really trippin now. He is my first dragon, he was hatched on 1/12/14 so he is still a babe and I don't know what is up with him. A few weeks ago he was...
  5. Jam

    Tail Paler than rest of body

    My little one sheds in sections as well and the tail is always the lightest. Meaning the shed appears to be thicker than the rest of the other parts shedding. I have watched him during the shedding and he makes all effort to get the shed off by dragging around his grapevine and the carpet. I got...
  6. Jam

    New Beardie in the house.

    Thank you raging!
  7. Jam

    Help with project to benefit beardies!

    Awesome, hefty project. FYI there is a book that is referred to as the Beardie Bible but I guess it really won't matter if it's just "referred" as that name. I am new to the Beardie world and I totally agree with how crazy it is trying to get solid helpful information when trying to care for the...
  8. Jam

    Ahh! I Am So Nervous!!!

    Thank you that is good to know, I will try the tile out on our next tank upgrade and our baby B "Happy" was hatched on January 12th 2014! I love that!
  9. Jam

    Ahh! I Am So Nervous!!!

    How cute your new edition is! My baby b is only 3 months old, had him since Valentines Day and he is still looking at me suspicious too! I crack up inside at it but I know at this stage they have valid reasons for not trusting big human 100%. Hey can you tell me what the string/cord is for ...
  10. Jam

    Ahh! I Am So Nervous!!!

    Excited for you too! Please post after your little one gets to you, can't wait to see :D Josie
  11. Jam

    Weird Behavior BABY B or nothing to worry about

    I figured it out! He is shedding AGAIN, it did not cross my mind earlier because he just finished a shed two weeks ago. I had no clue that he would shed so fast again, but it makes sense. He is a little bit of a crabby patty when he is shedding and I guess today was his time to get rid of the...
  12. Jam

    Weird Behavior BABY B or nothing to worry about

    Diamc, He has since returned to normal and I guess I am just a worry wort about him and his being ok at all times but I will film him tomorrow and attempt to figure out how to post it.
  13. Jam

    Weird Behavior BABY B or nothing to worry about

    He is a baby, hatched in January. Has all his basic proper stuff. Lately I have noticed he is a little sketchy with me but I assumed it was because I moved him from the bedroom to the living room. No problem, I will give him some time and not stress him with handling for awhile. Not sure what...
  14. Jam

    hello :3

  15. Jam

    My new landlord hates reptiles...

    If I was a property owner and I had an intense phobia of spiders and I came to do a walk through on a property and walked into a room that had a tank with tarantulas I would most likely loose my sH*T, but that is not the renters issue it's mine. I had a pet rat (hairless dumbo) at my old...
  16. Jam


    My beardie got that same belly pattern after the first shed and it was very pronounced. Now it is not so much, it did not cause any alarm for me when I noticed it but I only have one verses you having multiples. I don't feel like it is bad but I will keep an eye on it. Thanks for sharing.
  17. Jam

    Fool Proof way to Sex your bearded dragon

    That's awesome! I have to figure out how to get mine to let me check on that, "he" is not to fond of the tail being handled.
  18. Jam


    Hi there, I was wondering seeing there has not been any other post regarding vet visit, have you taken it to the vet to ensure the color is natural vs a history of stress? Nevermind, I missed the updates somehow. Got it. Hope all is well :) Thanks in advance, Josie
  19. Jam

    Day 1 of Dubias seems to be working out... he LOVES them

    That video was fun, your dragon is very cute and slender. Can you post a pic of the slate tile thing you mentioned? I think I would like to attempt that in the near future if I think it is what I am thinking. Thanks in advance, Josie (Newbie)
  20. Jam

    Hiding all day, not basking

    Hi there, Sorry I don't have any suggestions about your beardies behavior, I just got mine and I am a total newbie. I was looking at the pics you posted and was wondering what type of tank that is? Are these a special kind and where do you get them? Thanks in advance, Josie
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