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  1. P

    DIY Plywood enclosure

    I don't even know how much it cost, to be honest. Haha! I would imagine under $250. The wood was probably around $100, I think. I cut everything on a table saw.
  2. P


    Try this link: If all else fails, search for the product number 1717A3.
  3. P


    I did buy the 4 ft section. However, since his cage will be 5 ft he'll need the 6 ft section, so that's what I quoted.
  4. P

    Coccidia count and treatment options?

    Yes, most vets have a special slide with grids etched into the glass called a hemocytometer that holds a specific amount of liquid. To get a proper count you have to measure the feces and use the appropriate amount of flotation solution to make sure the concentration works out correctly. That...
  5. P

    DIY Plywood enclosure

    I thought I'd post up some pictures of the enclosure I built. It is a 4ft x 2ft x 2ft enclosure built using mid-grade plywood (i.e. not the cheap stuff) with red oak trim along the front. I placed a center support on the oak trim for two reasons: (1) to hide the overlapping glass doors, and (2)...
  6. P


    I got mine from McMaster-Carr. The plastic track is $9.60 for a 6ft section. I like these because they are divided so each glass pane has its own track. I'd advise buying as much hardware from McMaster-Carr as possible since shipping for a...
  7. P

    Lets beat the dead horse some more.

    Those cheap thermometers aren't very accurate, true, but they also only measure air temperature, not surface temperature. The air temperature may very well have been 80-90 degrees. But, just like how you can go out on an 80 degree day and burn your hand on a hot car hood, the surface of the...
  8. P

    Worst Experience with Zilla?

    I also don't see anything wrong with their response. First off, they are not responsible for knowing Exo-Terra's products. You can't expect them to know what products even MIGHT fit. That would be like calling up Dell computers and asking them if any laptop shells MIGHT fit your HP laptop...
  9. P

    Any tips on using a stethoscope?

    I've copied the most pertinent information from the article.
  10. P

    Any tips on using a stethoscope?

    I don't really know how useful a stethoscope will be in assessing reptile lungs. When you look at the structure of mammalian lungs you'll notice that they are comprised of branching airways that ultimately end in alveoli. With a stethoscope you can hear issues with the airways and alveoli (i.e...
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