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  1. D

    please help cant explain how urgant

    my eggs where layed last night around 1 o clock and were at seventy degrees on sand for a little time will they live there in the incybator right now for about 15 minents
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    egg bound

    im not sure but i think my girl might be eggbound
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    how far along is she pic heavy

    on a scale of one to ten one being just mated ten being laying im so excited i have everything ready :blob5: :mrgreen:
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    time from digging to laying

    my girl is about to lay and i need to know a little so how far from digging to layingg
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    pic and dimensions on beardie racks please
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    fake rock pics

    i would like to see some of your fake rock build mine is almost done and i will be posting pics soon
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    i have tried to get my eggs to hatch over and over but it never works :angry5: :x and i need ideas for a homemade incubator pics would be loved i know how hard breeding is by the way and i dont need any info on that :banghead:
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    roach chow

    need recipe for roach chow
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    wax worms a staple?

    i was wondering if wax worms would be a good staple
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    please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    my girl has only been laying 1 egg at a time and i am very scared for her what should i do? :?
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    my lizzie wont lay in her lay box yet she is still laying 1 egg at a time in her cage why?
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    my lizard turn paper white almost everywere near heat is this regular
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    are these eggs healthy for two weeks;pic heavy'

    well i have question r these eggs looking good for 2 weeks old im not sure if there making it or not none r deflated but im still not sure please give ansers
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    how do i upload photos i need to upload pictures of eggs to se if ok
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    can i use particle board for lizard cage got some laying round and sick of old cage
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    outdoor cage

    i hear people talking bout outdoor cages but i dont understand how to build one please and pic and intro
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    my older brother just gave me his beardies i hade been watching and feeding and bathing and im remodaling there cage add tile to glass bottom? fake rocks im building and lighting any ideas im a breeder wanting to know whats safe cool and helpful for beardies any one please
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    can i feed my lizards daikon

    im not sure abou this carrot like plant called a daikon, can i feed it to my lizards
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    can i breed babies that are bro and sis

    ive heard of when you breed bro and sis it makes physical and mental problem is this true with lizards
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    how do i make dubia colony?

    any asners supplies i need and how maniy i need to get started
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