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  1. H

    NEED HELP! How can I get Beardie to eat new food!

    OK so Dreyko is an Adult Beardie! I feed him all types of food. Which basically is mostly greens that I always prepare for him. But When I'm at work I always leave him with a little dish of greens and a dish of beardie pellet food. The food I've gave him since he was a baby is: Fluker's Buffet...
  2. H

    Advice with light!

    Hi everyone! Hope everyone having a good day so far. I need some advice with my light. I use the 36" tube T8 ReptiSun I believe it's call. I was told its better to use this bulb rather than any other in the market. But my concern is how often do I need to change my bulbs? Also I've had my bulb...
  3. H

    Bath time tips!

    So I've been wondering if I am able to use anything to clean him good during Dreykos bath. I normally use warm water and a soft toothbrush to brush his feet and under tail and scrub his body but I was wondering if I may use any special cleaning solution made specially to wash your bearded dragon...
  4. H

    Winter Nights!

    Hey everyone. I havve a little problem with Dreyko. The thing is that at nights my room gets cold and his temp at ties drops to 63*-64* so I noticed that a lot of you got your babies fleece blankets. So I went out and got him one and even embriodered his name on it with a lizard design on it...
  5. H

    Need Help Bearded Dragon won't eat veggies!

    Hi everyone! I have a male Bearded Dragon name is Dreyko he's 2months old only. And since I had him I have tried to give him greens but he won't seem to eat them what so ever. I tried things from this website http://www.beautifuldragons.503xtreme.c ... ition.html but yet he still don't want to...
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