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  1. R


    My guy is going in and out of Brumation. He will go in his hide for two to three days and then come out for a day or two. He eats when he is out but not like he usually would. He had been in his hide for three days and had not pooped and was getting concerned. He had his 4 super worms yesterday...
  2. R


    During this period is it required to leave the lights on or just adjust the temp so it is not as hot for them when they start coming out and become more active
  3. R


    Any suggestions on how to keep crickets alive longer? I buy 250 at a time from premium crickets and they are kept in a 10 gallon tank wrapped in black aquarium back ground. They always have carrots in with them for food and hydration
  4. R

    Ambient temperature for an 8 month old

    I have noticed my boy is doing a lot of glass skating and can’ seem to relax and bask like always does. Do I need to adjust the temperature in his enclosure from when he was younger? Is there anything else that may cause him to do this? He is eating well and Pooh looks good also.I also noticed...
  5. R


    My boy is shedding his torso and it’s bath time should I wait until he is done? I have read conflicting stories. Help
  6. R

    8 month old

    What should my 8 month old beardie be eating? How many insects vs greens? Currently eats 20-30 medium crickets a day 13-15 bsfl a day substituted with 3-4 leg super worms twice a week One salad a day vegetable twice a week and fruit once a week. Looks very healthy and poop looks good also...
  7. R

    Cricket food

    I currently feed my crickets carrots as food/water source I have heard that the dry cricket food makes their exoskeleton to hard and harder to digest. Is it ok to use carrots or should I be concerned about the additional vitamins my beardie my be getting from them
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