Recent content by wfdenham

  1. W

    update on baby bearded dragon not eating.

    Just blend some greens, strain out the water, and add some baby food right? How much do you end up feeding him? My dragon is about 19 grams 8 in I want to feed him enough that he will grow
  2. W

    update on baby bearded dragon not eating.

    So does your dragon never eat on his own now? Hand feeding has never worked and it seems the dropper is just creating a mess. I'll try the syringe I like the idea, don't see a large difference between it and manually feeding crickets however so I'm going to try both. Where did you get a good...
  3. W

    update on baby bearded dragon not eating.

    Hello all, I'm updating anyone intrested in the status of a small bearded dragon. Please see my previous posts here for more info: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=211773 viewtopic.php?f=6&t=210240 Update: So after not eating for a week I decided an updated vet visit was needed. The vet basically...
  4. W

    Serious Help Needed. Not Eating/Not Growing. Stressed Baby.

    Just tried the roach trick. He got so mad he snapped at the dead roach and ate it. Didn't look like it made him hungry just angry haha, i couldn't really tell. He went and hid after that. I actually have tilted the bowl more using an extra piece of tile so he has a real good view of all the...
  5. W


    From what I've read it appears to help hydrate them. They get alot of hydration from veggies that they eat but bathing weekly supposedly increasee their life span because they will be hydated. Not sure if this is actually true but I've heard it from breeders. I have mainly used bathing before...
  6. W

    Serious Help Needed. Not Eating/Not Growing. Stressed Baby.

    So far no luck with feeding. I've put 23 worms in his bowl he hasn't dived for them yet today. Not sure if this stress will take time or there is something else I can do. What do you think?
  7. W

    Serious Help Needed. Not Eating/Not Growing. Stressed Baby.

    You can right click on the "broken" pic and open the link. Not sure why this happens, happened last night too and they just eventually showed up.
  8. W

    Serious Help Needed. Not Eating/Not Growing. Stressed Baby.

    Ok here is the promised pictures: He gets stressed easily so I'll wait until he is basking comfortably to try and feed him.
  9. W

    Serious Help Needed. Not Eating/Not Growing. Stressed Baby.

    He's sleeping now but I turned it. I'll post a picture tomorrow and any updates I see on his feeding habits. The lights looks to be about 10-12" away now. I do have an above screen fixture for this bulb but I want to see how this works out first. I'm thinking the light at eye level could be...
  10. W

    Serious Help Needed. Not Eating/Not Growing. Stressed Baby.

    Great idea. I always thought that light was too close yet people kept insisting I move him actually closer to it. Okay I'll try that now. I've tried feeding crickets dubia and worms. He has no care for dubia whatsoever. And I hate getting those out of a tank. I usually leave worms in the...
  11. W

    Serious Help Needed. Not Eating/Not Growing. Stressed Baby.

    Here are some photo's so you guys can get a good idea of his size. Keep in mind he is over 4 months old at this point.
  12. W

    Serious Help Needed. Not Eating/Not Growing. Stressed Baby.

    Hey all, This will be my third update on a baby bearded dragon I bought in june. Quick Links: First Post: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=210240 This posts contains information on his setup (which has remained exactly the same.) His setup is exactly what you'd expect from anyone able to read a...
  13. W

    Update on/Help still needed on almost 4 month old beardie

    If I am comparing his own bench mark numbers he really has not grown. 9" is being very generous with this dragon I can upload a pic of him on a 12" piece of tile for comparison. I just don't consider shedding once in 3 Months for a baby typical. Is there nothing I can do to try and increase his...
  14. W

    Update on/Help still needed on almost 4 month old beardie

    Hey all a month or so ago I posted to this forum looking for help on a baby beardie that I had gotten that seemed to be going through some intense relocation stress. You can find that post here: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=210240 You can also find information on his cage setup there for those curious...
  15. W

    Baby beardie not eating. long lasting relocation stress?

    Here is a pic of the female. She's kinda dark in this photo because she's going into shed but she's still really pretty: She's about 16-18 inches long but didn't reach that length till this month. Been feeding as you would an adult. She eats ferociously. Took the male...
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