Recent content by SpiritScale

  1. S

    Debating Euthanasia *UPDATE*

    HE'S BEGUN EATING!! WOOT! :blob8: Lowan is now down around 415 grams. He looks great, poops look awesome, has begun shedding again and is more active. Now that he's beginning to want to eat (both veggies and insects, though only horns and silks for now) I am slowly trying to wean him off the...
  2. S

    Debating Euthanasia *UPDATE*

    *UPDATE* Lowan was at the vet's today---and is resting at home now comfortably so he's dodged the bullet. We were very lucky that a reptile-specialist vet happened to be visiting my clinic today and so my vet was able to ask for a second opinion. His last weight in October in was...
  3. S

    Debating Euthanasia *UPDATE*

    I find though he gets bloated and looks tender/uncomfortable (he gets very upset if you try to touch his belly)---it is possible though that I'm just seeing things. I'm in Quebec, Canada so no natural sun exposure right now----but in the summer he loves to sit in the sunshine when the patio...
  4. S

    Debating Euthanasia *UPDATE*

    So weighed and measured him tonight. He is 19 inches nose to tail and currently sitting at about 500g or so (so I was wrong about my previous 450g estimate but has gotten thinner statement) but he is full of food and I do honestly believe most of that weight is bloating or water weight in his...
  5. S

    Debating Euthanasia *UPDATE*

    To my knowledge he has not, but it is a possibility that he is positive. We did have another untested dragon in the house (no symptoms though). He wasn't poorly as a baby and up until he stopped eating was on track size, length and weight-wise. He is now small for his age (at least in terms of...
  6. S

    Debating Euthanasia *UPDATE*

    Thank you...I adopted him from a rescue when he was a month old and have raised him since then...I do love him very much. Lowan's signs of being unwell include the not eating, being reasonably lethargic (though responsive and aware---he is also possibly brumating now so don't know if I would...
  7. S

    Debating Euthanasia *UPDATE*

    Lowan and I have come to the end of a long, hard road and am sad to say he has a tentative euthanasia appointment scheduled Monday. To sum it up---he stopped eating, got a distended belly and stopped shedding properly (his skin would look like it was shedding--it just would never come off)...
  8. S

    Beardie has gas?

    Lowan is 11.5 months old now and is 18.5 inches long and 470 grams. Two months ago, he had stopped eating on his own, lost weight and looked bloated. Since meds and being force fed he's gained 60 grams and is looking much better. The vet ran blood (biochemistry and hematology) and x-rayed...
  9. S

    Lowan only wants supers

    Little guy seems to be hooked on supers (he'll also eat large mealies). He's 18 inches long, 370 grams (down about 5 grams) and 8 months old and hasn't really eaten any feeders in two weeks. I don't know what to do. This is not a loss of appetite (as I feared he was getting sick) as he will eat...
  10. S

    How many superworms to offer?

    I know that supers are not necessarily an ideal staple, but as of late with the weather I am unable to get crickets (everything is either DOA or on backorder or suppliers won't ship). Due to that Lowan has been eating superworms as a staple for the past month, and probably will be eating them...
  11. S

    How old do you think my beardie is?

    My vote is 3-4 months tops. 6 months is a little much (at that age, I'd say your beardie was not growing well if only 10 inches). As has been said though, there's a huge variation in growth patterns so nothing is set in stone. If it helps Lowan (my little guy) is 6 months old, 16.5 inches long...
  12. S

    Predicted adult size

    I was wondering if there was a way (like you can do with dogs) to predict a juvenile's approximate adult size based on present size? Lowan is 6 months, 16.5 inches long and 240 grams currently.
  13. S

    Lowan weight and age help

    Hi all, Lowan is doing well and is getting their adult enclosure this weekend. I just wanted to see if anyone had any thoughts about their growth and possible age. I adopted them from a rescue mid-September of this year at about 5 inches long total length and 7 grams. I assumed s/he was...
  14. S

    Lowan update & questions!

    Just wanted to update this a bit. Ended up going with the Zoo-Med ReptiSun 10.0 13 watt.
  15. S

    Lowan update & questions!

    I'm in Quebec, Canada. He's currently under (about 6 inches from) an Exo-Terra UVB150 26 watt bulb. Problem being is that this brand does NOT sustain the claimed UV levels for more than a month according to breeders who tested it out. He'll be being switched to a Zilla Desert 50 20 watt bulb...
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