Recent content by mommabrick20

  1. mommabrick20

    Reptar has missed yall! (pics)

    hah, thank you, he is very fat. im not over feeding him i promise! he is just very lazy he will eat then bask in his light and watch tv. i changed his diet to all pelet food, freeze dried fruits and veggies, fresh kale and turnips, and freeze dried crickets, grasshopper bits, and mealworms. im...
  2. mommabrick20

    Reptar has missed yall! (pics)

    hi! im so sorry we havnt been on in so long, i got a really great job im at all the time so i never have chance to post but reptar has gotten soooo big! but i have loads of pictures to show yall! as you can tell he has gotten huge!
  3. mommabrick20

    Very important question!

    I don't understand it either. I'm scared to hold him. It's such a horrible feeling.
  4. mommabrick20

    Very important question!

    And my girlfriend can hold him all day and never breaks out. We use the fake grass for reptar and voldemort used paper.
  5. mommabrick20

    Very important question!

    He is a lot more spiky. And yes it's my face arms legs. He really likes sitting on the top of my head and then it starts to itch and break out. :(
  6. mommabrick20

    Very important question!

    Why does my skin break out when I hold my beardie? It never happened with voldemort and now every time I hold reptar I break out. :( I'm worried I'm allergic. Had anyone heard of that?
  7. mommabrick20

    questions on shedding.

    the reason i put mine under the lamp is because if its cold water they want nothing to do with it. nice and warm. my older beardie was the same way. :D
  8. mommabrick20

    questions on shedding.

    the reason i put mine under the lamp is because if its cold water they want nothing to do with it. nice and warm. my older beardie was the same way. :D
  9. mommabrick20

    new beardie owner

    Welcome! I love his markings. I bought reptar from petsmart too! His set up is very nice too. I love the background.
  10. mommabrick20

    questions on shedding.

    Hi! I have a baby about the same age. When he went through his first shed he loved soaking. I would bathe him as much as he would let me. And within a week he was done and happy again. Towards the middle he got a little stressed. Mine is going through his second shed right now. And he is acting...
  11. mommabrick20

    Cricket free diet??

    I wanted to know if it is possible to have a beardie on a cricket free diet? I know that the provide protiens and vitamins they need but what if you replaced that with a balance of veggie and chicken baby food? I havnt tried it I'm only asking. :) Because my baby loves his veggies more than...
  12. mommabrick20

    Meet Baby Reptar!!!

    Thank you! I love that you have one named Draco. :) we had one named voldemort. But he passed away. We love fellow hp fans.
  13. mommabrick20

    Funny random snake picture. :)

    they never fight but they love the stand off. :)
  14. mommabrick20

    Funny random snake picture. :)

    i thought you might like this one. my friends are huge snake lovers the have 20 snakes! my two favorites are thor the reticulated python and zeuz the one eyed snake. thor- zeuz-
  15. mommabrick20

    Housing 1,000 crickets

    thank you thank you thank you! your pictures are so helpful we have been talking about doing this for months now and your pictures gave us ease because we did know how to house them or even start it off. do you think that 500 might be enough to start breeding?
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