Recent content by likenzieil

  1. likenzieil

    Looking to rescue

    Thanks I'll definitely check those out
  2. likenzieil

    Looking to rescue

    I'm looking to rescue a beardie. I live in the SC region but am open to surrounding areas. Please let me know if there are any beardies in need.
  3. likenzieil

    Bloody lip - might have injested something, not acting norma

    OK here's the update: Went to the (pricey!) vet for a general check up & some blood work. The vet thinks that Puff has a systemic infection that probably has been going on for a while - could explain the weird scales and the most recent occurrence with his spikes (tip are black and look like...
  4. likenzieil

    Bloody lip - might have injested something, not acting norma

    Yes! poop! However small it may be I'm so happy he passed something! Nothing looked to be abnormal, a much on cricket remains & some urates - hopefully everything will go back to normal. Still going to the vet on Monday, X-rays & blood work but so relieved! :lol:
  5. likenzieil

    Bloody lip - might have injested something, not acting norma

    Haha if he is that's a mean trick - especially during finals! We're actually going to the vet on Monday for a general check-up (I don't think his previous owner ever took him & want to make sure everything is OK) hopefully my little buddy can hold out until then! I didn't want to give him...
  6. likenzieil

    Bloody lip - might have injested something, not acting norma

    Only passed urtates today, 2nd time with no other feces =/
  7. likenzieil

    Weird Scales

    I hope this is better, camera is having a hard time focusing in so close. I'm taking Puff to the vet on Monday for a general check-up (something tells me his previous owner didn't take the time to care for him very well) - so I'll see what the they say.
  8. likenzieil

    Weird Scales

    Not right now, I'll play around w. my camera tomorrow, Puff's sleeping right now. Thanks for the reply though! :D
  9. likenzieil

    Bloody lip - might have injested something, not acting norma

    He seems to be acting fine - I've given him a bath everyday & he's eating but he still hasn't passed anything except urates. It's been about 2 days which is abnormal for him (usually goes everyday) & he ate ~120 crickets + greens so I'm worried that he might impacting him. Tried giving him...
  10. likenzieil

    Weird Scales

    Took over a month (maybe 2) for this part of his arm to shed & now scales look waterlogged or something. Is this bad?
  11. likenzieil

    Kenzie & Puff

    Some pictures On the stairs: Weird scales Toe Home
  12. likenzieil

    Kenzie & Puff

    Hey my name is Kenzie & over the summer I "inherited" my beardie Puff. Apparently a friend of a friend of a friend couldn't take care of his & Puff was already settled into my apartment by the time I got back. I've never had a beardie before & I have only looked after other reptiles for a...
  13. likenzieil

    Bloody lip - might have injested something, not acting norma

    Hi I'm new to this site & very worried about my beardie Puff. I usually let him run around on the floor while I'm watching TV and last night after I put him back in his cage I noticed a small line of what looked like blood coming from his lip. I immediately thought he might have ingested...
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