Recent content by Aznrainbowdime

  1. Aznrainbowdime

    new puppy & a beardie

    Hey guys ! Ok im at work so I must be honest, I just sort off glanced through the posts I have missed for the past couple of days. Few things I want to point out.. Crate Training. I do have a crate, HOWEVER, I cannot use it... due to my work hours. I leave work at 430 am, and don't come...
  2. Aznrainbowdime

    new puppy & a beardie

    hi guys !! Thanks again for all the advises ! So this weekend, I had my hubby hold the pug, and I had MJ in my hand. He sniffed at her then started to go crazy as if he didn't wanna be held anymore. So that was it, play time was over. THat made me even more nervous though :cry: because I...
  3. Aznrainbowdime

    new puppy & a beardie

    thanks guys for all of the advices! I haven't even tried 'introducing' my puppy and the beardies.. because I'm too afraid :oops: . It's like one mintue, he'll be fine, then the next, he'll just strike at me and chew on a sandal or something lol. I'm doing TONS of research on how to get your pup...
  4. Aznrainbowdime

    new puppy & a beardie

    oh ok thanks =) . Yeah right now, he chews on everything, bites everything, scratches, etc. So I'm scared that If i took one of my beardie out to show him, he might go crazy and attack !! I just miss spending time with my beardies like I used to =( . I used to come home from work, take them out...
  5. Aznrainbowdime

    new puppy & a beardie

    Hello my fellow beardie slaves !! So I recently got a new pug puppy, 3 months old ! It's been my life long dream to own a dog lol, but my parents have never let me so now that I'm a grown up lol.. I feel that I'm ready ! lol. So anyway long story short, I've only had him for about a week and...
  6. Aznrainbowdime

    Brumation... it necessary ?

    yeah I still have them.. but theyre not as fun as MJ ! (don't tell them I said that!!!!!!!) Well, Blanket is still not allowed out his tank until he learns to behave lol. And Prince, whenever he's out, he minds his own business and doesn't really like to be cuddled. :( Oh crap... it's...
  7. Aznrainbowdime

    Brumation... it necessary ?

    Thanks for the response =) . That was my biggest concerning, stressing my baby out. I guess what you said it's true, no more cleaning tank, waking up extra early to make salad.. etc. But ughh... just the thought of my baby sleeping for months is killing me !!!!!! Plus, this will be my first...
  8. Aznrainbowdime

    Brumation... it necessary ?

    HI ALL ! Sorry I've been M.I.A... but my life has been extremely hectic lately with work, personal drama, etc. You all know what i mean :D Ok so let's get to the point. MJ is 8 months old now and 16 inches. She has been showing signs of brumating, sleeping alot, extremely lazy, barely eats...
  9. Aznrainbowdime

    Do they know when to hold their breath ?

    OK I know this sounds sooo stupid.. but Prince has started drinking his bath water during baths. Which is fine to me, but I've never seen him swam before or go under the water and lately.. he's been drinking soo much that he sticks his head all the way down (water up to his nose). I'd panick...
  10. Aznrainbowdime

    Feeders getting too expensive, need info on breeding

    Ok so I went to the pet store to try out some roaches. All they had was Madagascar hissing roaches, so I bought 2 lol.. to try it for blanket. They didnt have small enough sizes for Prince & Mj. He chased it like there was no tomorrow ! So YAYY ! Im definately gonna try some for the babies ...
  11. Aznrainbowdime

    Feeders getting too expensive, need info on breeding

    Thanks guys ! seems that dubias are the number one choice ! I will buy a few from this pet store close by to see how I can deal with them lol! Although now i need to do major homework on researching how to keep them alive ! lol. I heard theyre pretty fast and like to hide, so how do you guys...
  12. Aznrainbowdime

    Lost superworm?

    eeww i HATE supers ! They freak me out ! But my babies love them so I have to suck it up and deal with them. I've had a couple that escaped (without my knowledge),.. and I'd find them curled up dead somewhere.. I think their chance of survival is little without heat and water. Although once I...
  13. Aznrainbowdime

    Feeders getting too expensive, need info on breeding

    you know Ive heard everywhere on here that dubias are the easiest. But i'm terrified of roaches !!! What if they escape ???!! Maybe I should order some online and see how I feel... but ehh.. just the thought of touching one creeps me out ! I can't even do worms but at least I use a tweezer to...
  14. Aznrainbowdime

    Feeders getting too expensive, need info on breeding

    Ok I havent been on here for awhile.. sorry fam ! But now something is TERRIBLY bugging me. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ on feeders !!!! Now that I have 3 lovely babies, I find my self going to the pet store alot more and it's hurting me money ! Blanket, my savannah monitor, only eats pinkies, so Im gonna...
  15. Aznrainbowdime

    why dont pet shops do this?

    yes.. sad to say.. i know. It's not a proud thing to say but damn I've came a loooonng way !! I didnt even know beardies existed until I saw one of my co workers. Then I thought hmm.. that's cute ! You know, I was one of those ppl who believed reptiles aren't really pets, theyre just .. for...
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