Recent content by Ambii90

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    Hiya! I'm very new to this!

    Shes adorable. Keep up the good work. She looks healthy and alert. Exactly what you want in a baby beardie
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    new dragon mom here
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    I Just dont understand

    Def get a new UV. Start giving him calcium daily and making sure he eats his veggies. Even if you have to force feed for a little while. A vet check for parasites would be great. And make sure what youre giving him for food is no bigger than the space between his eyes, otherwise it can cause...
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    habitat price

    I have to agree with above poster. Its a nice enclosure. Even without updated lights i would easily pay 200 for it. Its not easy finding ready made terrariums that look nice with your home decor. So it should go for quite a bit. Put it up for sale but be willing to negotiate. People love to...
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    Adult Bearded dragon stopped eating from bowl.

    Some dragons get bored of their food after a while. You could try giving him different sorts of veggies and maybe spritzing them with water to make them more enticing. Also, dont put meal worms or other live food in the bowl. They usually enjoy the hunt so try giving live food to him one at a...
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    Baby hissing when touched

    It doesnt sound like a great setup for the beardie. Maybe have your neighbors check out my blog. I have an extensive intro to owning a bearded dragon, and it could help them.
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    Completely new

    Check out mt blog, i have a pretty extensive introduction to owning beardies.
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    I'm scared of my baby bearded dragon...

    Absolutely nothing to be afraid of. If she were to bite, shes too small to do any damage. Its kinda like pressing your finger on the rough side of velcro. But if it makes it easier, you can use gloves for a little while so you can get used to holding her and get more comfortable with her...
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    Just another new member post haha

    Her partern is a little more elaborate than the average beardie, but im not really an expert on genetics so i couldnt tell you for sure if shes a certain morph or not. Shes a beauty though, thats for sure!
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