Recent content by NathanNatalie3002

  1. N

    Should I be worried?

    Okay Xena is going crazy again and will not voluntarily go in her lay box so I've locked her in and covered with a blanket, she seems to be digging I hope she gets all the eggs out!
  2. N

    Should I be worried?

    Spam :angry5:
  3. N

    Should I be worried?

    Think I've figured it out, she's currently basking and as I say body puffed out she looks like a plate! I think it's an attempt to get more heat on her back! That's what I've read, I'm so happy she ate right away and drank some more after last night I'm assuming the eggs have all gone? Hmm hope...
  4. N

    Should I be worried?

    Update: She's alert and just had a drink but all her body is very wide like a turtle maybe where the eggs have been she is eating calcium coated locusts as we speak :) then leaving her to bask whilst I go back to sleep for a while! I don't like it when she is skinny as she looks really flimsy...
  5. N

    Should I be worried?

    Thank you I am not usually awake I just woke up in the night and checked so ill wake her in a minute and offer food and calcium bet she's worn out :(
  6. N

    Should I be worried?

    Sorry yes sleeping normal, and breathing if I peek under her blanket the light makes her open her eyes... As normal
  7. N

    Should I be worried?

    Well I'm in the UK here it's 6am. She usually gets up at 7.30am. She layed way past her bedtime last night and she went to bed at 12.30pm instead of 9pm so she has had less than 7 hours... I'm going to wake her up because she is also only at 75c night time temps and I worry she might not have...
  8. N

    Should I be worried?

    Yesterday my female layed 30 infertile eggs (3rd clutch since last october) eggs all fine as usual thought that was them all... Took her out of her tank when she had finished burying although she jumped out and I have her a quick bath and she went to sleep. I came back 2 hours later to find 1...
  9. N

    General advice

    Okay so my bearded dragon started laying at 10 months the first time 30 eggs the next 31 (8 weeks apart last year) and has just layed again... 30 eggs! She is absolutely fine healthy and you can hardly tell she has layed she's just a little wrinkly and slightly skinnier I don't know how she fits...
  10. N

    Help with too much calcium/gravid

    I will, I hope she doesn't lay anymore as yet, but she is still the same size as before her first clutch, everyone used to say she was chubby haha! She still eats a lot more than usual so she may lay... And hasn't gone off her food during her shed. Well this was the first poo since I upped the...
  11. N

    Help with too much calcium/gravid

    Thank you, It sometimes is about 80 at the least at the cool side- currently 82. She has been in the hot end and mid end all of today so she must like it! Thank you for your help :)
  12. N

    Help with too much calcium/gravid

    UPDATE! For those following this post thanks for your comments. I am not sure if Xena is actually going to lay more eggs as yet, I think she is was looking bigger because of the shed which is all nearly off now, I did decrease my temps a bit back because I thought they were slightly too hot...
  13. N

    Help with too much calcium/gravid

    Thank you very much. I think with the recent in digested food I'm gonna up the temperatures a couple of Celsius all the way through the tank!
  14. N

    Help with too much calcium/gravid

    Thanks for your reply. That would be great to move it. When I first got Xena I had chacoby I got them as a pair she was never a thriving dragon despite the help of all the people on here the vet said that sometimes happens so I have had Xena since she was 2 months old. I take extra care of her...
  15. N

    Help with too much calcium/gravid

    My bearded dragon is 14 months old. At 12 months she started to lay infertile eggs, she has late 2 so far and is producing another clutch I think due to eating loads it won't be long before she is scratching around again... She never looks skinny after laying because she is a good size and has...
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