
  1. LarryTheLizard

    Lizard’s tail twitching

    So whenever I reach my hand into Larry’s tank, her tail twitches at the tip like shes mad/excited or something, but she doesn’t act aggressive or anything. She also does this when she’s hunting when I put food in her tank. anyone else experience this/knows what this means? at first I thought it...
  2. K

    Please help!! Rescued beardie extremely sick

    I recently rescued a bearded dragon a few months ago as my first reptile. I was told I was getting a healthy beardie with the entire setup for relatively cheap. When I picked him up he was motionless and they said he's just lazy but he moves around during the day. He was in a very loud and...
  3. Nikki.D

    Urgent!: Each poop gets worse

    As suggested, I took my bearded dragon out in the sun for a while. The sun perked him up! So he ended up doing a pretty big poop. However, it was liquid and had the piece of red in it again. I am deeply concerned about this ongoing poop problem. According to my sister, his poop stank but I...
  4. I


    Hello I’ve had my bearded dragon for close to a month and I’ve noticed his back legs will sometimes jolt. It somewhat resembles the signs of mbd but still looks different. My lighting setup is an Arcadia 12% uvb and his temps on his basking spot range from 100-112. I dust his food with pure...
  5. Sweetie_Cheeks

    Inflammation/Fluid Buildup/Extremely severe stomach spasms/twitching Help!?!

    Inflammation fluid buildup with Extreme Stomach Spasms/Twitching after eating and/or drinking. Also, her stomach looks swollen/indented and it’s traumatic watching her have to suffer constantly. It’s been happening for about 6+months and it has significantly gotten worse. She isn’t black...
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