My bearded dragon turned 5 yesterday. He had always been very happy and mobile and confident. I noticed he wasn't moving around much yesterday and thought nothing off it. Took him out this morning and he was calm for a moment before freaking out alittle. He tries to hide underneath or anywhere...
Hi there, I’ve had my bearded dragon, Lucky, for about 9 months now. I got him when he was a couple weeks old. He will eat from my hand, fall asleep on me when it’s evening time, doesn’t mind me picking him up sometimes, but he is still very wary of me most of the time.
I let him run around my...
Hey guys! I am a recent first time owner of a Bearded Dragon, and while everything for the most part has been fine, I may have royally upset my Beardy on accident. A couple days ago I added a new hammock to Mushrooms enclosure, he didn't do anything with it until last night. This morning I woke...
So, i’ve read lots of info on lights, but all the lengths/wattages/types are so confsuing, so I just need some direct answers if possible
tank info-
-currently has heat coil, uvb coil, and basking light
-beleieve it is a 40 gallon, 36x18x18
-has a plastic splitter splitting the top metal mesh...