
  1. P

    Swelling after laying infertile eggs.

    My 2.5 yr old female beardie has laid 6 infertile eggs. Her butt looks swollen and has a small pink bulge that’s out. I’ve researched and tried the sugar and water soak which has helped it go down some. Will this resolve itself or is this considered a prolapse even after she has laid eggs...
  2. S

    Prolapsed Beardie! Vet Couldnt help

    I need some advice for my beardie. He prolapsed Friday night and i could not find a vet over the weekend in my area who could help. Monday morning i called the vet but they couldnt see him until the following day. (Ive been doing sugar baths and sugar paste in the meantime). When i took him in...
  3. A

    Bearded dragon prolapce

    Hi all. I'm new to the forum. I've got a ~10 month old female beardie. She had a pinkish stuff coming out of her tail when pooping ( she also has coccidia). It was just a little bit, but she drag it along when "whipping". We rushed her to her vet, to find out she has eggs. So the vet operated...
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