
  1. R


    I really am a visual person and I am scared to death I am going to purchase the wrong items for my bearded dragons enclosure. Even though I have done so much research everyone has there own opinion I need help from someone who has had there beardie for a very long time and there bearded dragon...
  2. TCRay_AAAa

    First time owner - Are these products good? Any recommendations?

    Are these products good? Is there anything else I need? (except for stuff like substrate, vitamins n calcium, food and hides) Also what substrate do you guys recommend?
  3. IAmAMirage


    Mirage went into brumation a few weeks ago. He slept for 3 days before coming out. He was doing great, but now he's acting weird. We recently redid his tank, and now he keeps going under his log. He just lays there completely awake. He shows no intrest in food. Not sure whats going on. We...
  4. N

    Is this ok for them?

    I have read that this could be showing dominance or possessiveness and I'm wondering if this type of behavior is okay between two baby beardies. They seem to get along well they are not aggressive towards each other at feeding time or anything like that.
  5. A

    Beardie not eating

    Hello, My bearded dragon José is 5 years old. He has stopped eating entirely for quite a few months now. I have taken him to the vet many times-was treated for parasites and got an X-ray showing his liver is very enlarged. We thought maybe he wasn’t eating bc of his parasites, but they have...
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