Hi everyone! For the last few months, my boy has been in brumation. He has recently woken up in the last week or so and has been displaying frantic and concerning behavior including the following:
Black beard most of the day
Glass surfing and scratching at the glass doors of the tank
I have a dragon named Ragnar, he's around two years old. He's currently in a 40-gallon tank with reptile carpet, an Arcadia T5, he's got a 150-watt basking bulb with basking temps around 90-100 degrees, and the humidity is around 30% with an analog gauge. He also has the ramp bowl that he sits...
Boone was found this morning in his enclosure with a very inflamed rear leg/foot. He is not using the leg at all-and his inner small toe is also inflamed and pink, the nail is pretty much encapsulated frome the swelling. I’ve soaked him in warm water throughout the day, just to make him...
Hey guys.
While feeding my Bearded Dragon (his name is Safi) this morning, I noticed a peculiar bump along his upper chest/ribcage that hasn't been there before. It feels like a rib (maybe broken?) and sticks out a bit while he's moving around, but he doesn't react with pain at all, and doesn't...
I have no idea what to do and I have tried to look up information but it doesn't seem to be anywhere. So my dad adopted a blue tongued skink because he thought it was cool and he could handle it I don't think he did any research and despite my trying to convince him to take Tony (the skink) to...
Please help. I recently got a baby bearded dragon, he’s about 3 month old now. I’ve had him for a few weeks and he was doing fine. But now he’s absolutely refusing to drink water. He’s eating fine but just not drinking. I’ve given him baths, he just sits there, he probably doesn’t like them...
Tigger is my oldest beardie, he will be two years old on August 15th and Mando will be 1 year on May 18th.
I am in a slight predicament.
Their cages are across the room from each other. When Mando first arrived home (late January), Tigger went BEZERK..like I never seen him act like it. Running...