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  1. P

    Sick babies

    Hi, i have two baby eastern Beardies. One i bout 3 weeks before the other. The second i bout 3 weeks ago. Both were thriving till 2 weeks ago. They have basically stopped eating and look really worn out. Now the older one who seems im slight better condition has 4 dark patches developed on the...
  2. P

    Pogona barbata in USA

    Ok so there was some at some stage but they are basically either super rare or bred out of existence. Thats a shame, would be nice to see what experienced large scale breeders could do with them. I currently have 3 i recently added to my collection here in Australia, the colors (greys, whites...
  3. P

    Pogona barbata in USA

    Just wondering if anyone has bred this species in the states and produced anything different with them?
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