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  1. KozmoRox

    Something is wrong with Kozmo :(

    We left Kozmo with a friend when we went on vacation last week(7 days). When we got back yesterday and picked her up, she wasn’t herself. She’s opening her mouth a lot for short periods of time. Her head seems to twitch at random times. She seems weak and her dexterity is not good. She has...
  2. KozmoRox

    Kozmo is FOUND!!

    She was sitting right by the window where I last saw her 5 days ago!! Like she had been there all along, just a little pale and bloated. I took her out in the sun and after 30 min or so, she did a giant poop and is back to her normal self. We have no idea where she was hiding. I'm thinking...
  3. KozmoRox

    Kozmo is back!!

    Hey everyone! I know it’s been a longgggg time... but Kozmo is finally out of brumation. It’s been a few weeks now, but she’s back & feistier than ever! Waiting for her to “wake-up” was no fun, but was interrupted by a family tragedy. Our oldest son was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive...
  4. KozmoRox

    Merry Christmas & Happy Hanukkah from my beardie to yours!

    My silly Kozmo loves our Christmas tree!! ? She climbes up everyday and hangs out on the branches! First time I thought I’d lost her, until I saw her tail hanging off of a branch. Haha! I think she likes to hideout and watch us. What a cutie! We wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah...
  5. KozmoRox

    Update: Kozmo is still brumating :{

    Hey guys, my Kozmo hasn't been herself lately. For the past few weeks her appetite has diminished to zero, and she is constantly looking for a dark place to nap. Up until a week ago she was still eating her worms and dubias, just in smaller numbers, but wasn't interested in her greens and...
  6. KozmoRox

    Kozmo bit the dust!

    Hey y'all! So yesterday afternoon we were sitting out on the driveway(as,usual) catching some rays when out of the corner of her eye she spotted a large black ant ?, probably carpenter, 5 feet away. She took off running and BAM! ran right into a rock wall! She got the ant, but tore up her bottom...
  7. KozmoRox

    Gray spot on Kozmo's Face :/

    So, last week I had to leave Kozmo boarded while our family was on vacation. I took her whole set-up so she wouldn't be stressed in a new "home". Vivarium, lights, furniture, everything. She was about to shed her head when I dropped her off. She was fed greens and a mix of crickets & dubias...
  8. KozmoRox

    Lumpy Tummy :/

    Hi guys, my 6-7mo old Kozmo has a lumpy tummy. I have noticed it a little before, but tonight it was extra lumpy. She's just finished shedding(you can see her skin all over, she's a mess! :lol: ) and she hasn't pooped today. The pictures below are within minutes after she ate 14 med-lg dubia...
  9. KozmoRox

    Is Kozmo ok?

    Hey y'all! Our little Kozmo has me worried. She's our 2nd beardie, but it's been 12 years since we cared for one and I'm a worried momma. With all the talk about MBD, I feel like I'm constantly watching for signs of something to be wrong. Her lips, her feet, her poop... haha! And I know she's...
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