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  1. D

    First beardy. Are these patchy spots worrisome?

    Heyy so I've noticed these spots of "swollen?" scales popping up over the last week or two. Is this a precursor to shedding or is it a potentially dangerous problem? He's got plenty of UVB (1 32 watt compact and 1 18 inch bar on the other side, so his tank has full coverage 12 hours a day) and...
  2. D

    Does this look normal to you? This is my first beardy.

    Sometimes when my beardy sits around his legs do this. He also occasionally twitches one of them too about twice a day. I'm getting worried. [/url][/img] [/url][/img] [/url][/img] Cage Size: 40 Gallon Age of dragon: ~1 year. Unsure of exacts. 16 inches and ~240 grams. Diet: Dubia, Superworms...
  3. D

    First beardy and boy do I have questions lol

    I'm at a bit of a loss guys. Maybe I'm just not used to this yet and I'm a major worry wart. I'm gonna touch base on a few things in the thread so I didn't really know where to put it. Diet: I've had this guy for a few weeks now. He's my first dragon and is (assuming the pet store was correct)...
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