Search results

  1. NarcoticRain

    Silkworms are a natural pain reliever?

    Hello! I have a MBD baby and it was mentioned to me, on a FB group, that silkworms might be a good feeder, since said person read a while back that they can be a natural pain reliever. Is this something that anyone else has heard of? A quick google search has shown me that they do in fact...
  2. NarcoticRain

    Tips on rehabilitating a sick dragon?

    Hello all! My poor baby, Lupin, is a very weak MBD dragon. He is just over a year old, and was showing signs of MBD when we purchased him from PetSmart :( He did very well for about half a year, but got stressed out from moving homes, cages, and room locations in the span of 3 months. He perked...
  3. NarcoticRain

    Setting up a webcam to monitor?

    Hello! I was wondering if there was someone who could give me some links or info about what all i would need to set up a camera to monitor my beardie while im not home.
  4. NarcoticRain

    Sores/Rubbed scales raw.

    My poor MBD baby has been propelling himself around with his back legs, and has given himself a sore on both hind legs, and where they rub against the rough edge of his tail. I can't get a clear picture, but the vet has confirmed before that what i thought was scale rot on the top of his front...
  5. NarcoticRain

    Baby food suggestions for nursing back to health

    My guy has had some health issues, he was stressed from a move, and from what the vet can tell, tried to go into brumation, and got really weak. He has MBD, so he's in a pretty stinky situation as it is. He was on critical care, but the vet said i can stop feeding him that whenever i want, now...
  6. NarcoticRain

    Stress inducing brumation

    not sure if this is health, or behavior, related. But my beardie has kinda of been showing signs of what I can only think might be brumation. He's not even a year old yet, but I was wondering since he was just in a stressful situation if that might be the cause of this behavior. The stressful...
  7. NarcoticRain

    Opinions on bioactive habitats?

    What are some of your personal opinions on these? I'm looking to make my beardie a bioactive habitat but I'm wondering what some of the biggest concerns or problems are with these
  8. NarcoticRain

    Walking weird

    ive posted about this before when my baby was younger, but now that he's older and he does a lot of exploring, I'm more concerned about it. Lupin almost always walks with his hands floded over. I've asked the vet and some long time beardie owners, and they say they've never seen this sort of...
  9. NarcoticRain

    Help figuring out what morph my Lupin is!

    The guy at our local pet shop was wondering, and it has gotten me curious too. His head is a lot more orange colored than his body, the pictures don't show it that well.
  10. NarcoticRain

    Plants to put in bearded dragon tank

    hello! I was wondering what were some good, easy to grow plants to have in with my beardie? I want to liven his tank up some more and also have something there that could serve is food and stand up to the heat. My boyfriend suggested wheat grass, which is very nice looking, but I was wondering...
  11. NarcoticRain

    Meet Lupin!

    I've posted a couple of times already, but i have yet to introduce my lovely bearded dragon. I got Lupin in November of last year from Petsmart, after waiting about a month for my local pet shop to get one. We had a pretty rough start, i live an hour away from all the big name pet stores and out...
  12. NarcoticRain

    Do's and Don'ts of bringing your bearded dragon home?

    Hello all! I'm doing a power point for one of my Business classes about Bearded Dragons. What are some things that you would tell new owners to do and not do within the first few days of bringing their Dragons home? Thank you all in advance!!
  13. NarcoticRain

    Runny poops and constipation

    Hello! I've got some concerns about my bearded dragons health and questions about what i should do. I'll first give a little background. I've had my beardie since November of last year, he was bought as a hatching from Petsmart. I haven't had any problems with him at all up until now. He's had a...
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