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  1. T

    How do you know when to reduce protein?

    So we got our beardie in February when he was a baby. It's been 3 months, and he's really eating the lettuce I am leaving out, like clearing out the entire feeding bin all of a sudden. I'm wondering how you know when you need to reduce protein daily? I'd love to reduce, it's an expensive venture...
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    Can I see your dubia breeding set up?

    I got my dubia breeder kit today, and I'm just not sure how to safely heat them in a plastic bin without setting my house on fire. I'd love to see your set up(s) so that I can make this a successful investment! Thank you! Maggie Proud Owner of Captain Happy Sparklepants
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    Soft Tofu OK?

    A friend told me to feed my juvie beardie soft tofu in a pinch. I'm in a pinch, I ran out of dubia roaches! I gave it to him last night and he devoured it. I then went to today and it looks like it's not recommended. What's the current weigh in on tofu? Gotta give my baby...
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    Juvenile Beardie Biting

    Hey there, So this is totally our fault, but we were fostering puppies last week and our juvenile beardie Happy (probably 5 months old or so) was neglected in terms of handling. He was well fed, hydrated, UVB and heat lamp treated, however he wasn't handled. So tonight my son picked him up and...
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    Welcome to the family, Captain Happy Sparklepants

    We lost our first baby beardie today, but not before we picked up this guy to help us transition our first baby beardie to his immortal coil. So I wanted to introduce Captain Happy Sparklepants, the most beautiful bearded dragon we've ever seen!
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    Sick Beardie - Possible CAN-V / yellow fungus - not sure!

    You may remember I posted a photo of Captain Fred Sparklepants' arm just 24 hours after we got him from the local store. His arm injury healed, however the swelling never got better. This morning it was yellow and swollen, he was spotty (black spots on tummy) and very cranky. And his tail was...
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    Baby Beardie with a cut on his elbow

    Hi there, totally new to the forum and to Bearded Dragon ownership. Our baby Beardie (Captain Fred Sparklepants, thank you 10 year old son for the name), was purchased today. We noticed when we got home that he has a swollen arm and an injury at his elbow. I am planning on calling the pet...
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