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  1. W

    new bad behavior

    by the way until I canget a pic of her on here I found a pic of her on here in the for sale area of the discussions under beardies for sale I think its the last one but this is the name of the one that looks like her Small Red Cross Beardie she looks a lot like this round the same size too
  2. W

    new bad behavior

    thank you for all your help I wish you could see her she has gotten soooo big lol she was six inches when I got her now she is nine inches she grew to eight inches in about two weeks then grew to nine inches in like two days after that. also I have been kinda worried about where her tank is...
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    new bad behavior

    yea she has seemed to calm down a bit after the fact she is now allowing me to at least go near her and pet on her which I really enjoy now just a little bit longer and I can hold her. :)
  4. W

    new bad behavior

    so she has seemed to be doing great since I had problems well now she has just bitten me it didn't really hurt nor did it do any damage lol just was surprising I managed to shove food in her trap as she bit me tho xD really made her have a weird look on her face like wait a minute that wasn't...
  5. W

    new bad behavior

    thank you sooo very much for your help my lily is coming around lil bit by lil bit :) it makes me so happy to know that I have very cool people to give such detailed and gratifying information and help.... makes me mad I still cant figure out how to get the pics of her on here lol
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    Green-ish specks in calcium powder

    I thought that's what that was I went to petsmart and looked at both products os calcium powder with d3 and one without and found that it was just the d3 im glad you got it sorted out bro
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    Green-ish specks in calcium powder

    the green specs are nothing to fret I looked inside mine and all the ones that were at the store at time of purchase and it checks out maybe ask google but im sure that it is just vitamins and or the D3
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    Thermometer Accuracy: Why Not To Use Dial Thermometers

    ok... this is a scary post I have the dial therms and I haven't even money for a probe therm yet but im really worried about the temp differences. I have 2 bulbs that I use in my tank a basking bulb lil thing it is and a 10.0 uvb uva and basking all in one would you say it would be alright if I...
  9. W

    new bad behavior

    good deal I really appreciate all your help with this if I can ever figure out how to get my pics of her on here you all will be able to see her. also im a smoker and I wash my hands and sanitize them before messing with her. will this destroy any sense of my "smell". in other words would that...
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    tired of crickets

    LOL!!! I didn't even think about that
  11. W

    new bad behavior

    thank you very much for the detailed reply. I never thought of the immediate handling I will try the above mentioned things :) I knew to never come from the top. also when putting my hand in the tank like u said am I aiming to be able to handle her immediately or just wait for her to get used...
  12. W

    beginning of URI? please help!!

    im gonna sound newbish but whats a URI???
  13. W

    tired of crickets

    so how did you convince your family n girlfriend to allow them in the house
  14. W

    new bad behavior

    Lilith just displayed some really im not happy temper to me when I went to feed her she put out the whole nine yards on me torqued body mouth open hissing and black beard she is about 8n a half weeks I believe. and she has never displayed this before im not fearful of her and don't show fear but...
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    tired of crickets

    the roaches... huge question about them they are roaches but how do u make sure they don't escape into your home and cause very nasty sights and interrupt your home because im not a fan of having roach infested home.
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    the amazing hopping lilith :)

    the other day I went to go get my lily out of her cage and we laid on my bed she started hopping around like crazy she was just hopping everywhere onto my hand off my hand onto pillow etc. it was the coolest thing ive ever seen her do besides hand waving :) im not sure if thts normal for dragons...
  17. W

    new user baby beardie :)

    thank you
  18. W

    beardie baby has weird coloring

    well its not really tan or dull its bright yellow
  19. W

    new user baby beardie :)

    hi people im vincent and my 8 n a half week beardies name is lilith she is a beautiful yellowish orange i think she is a citrus sandfire not sure of anything else(she not a hypo) she is very healthy and gorgeous. ill try to figure out how to put pics up soon :) just saying hi everyone
  20. W

    beardie baby has weird coloring

    hi my beardies name is lilith i got at six weeks of age she is about 8 n half now and her back body is a seriously noticable different color then her head arms and tail she is healthy n happy but her back is wayyyy different in color should i worry?
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