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  1. P

    Extremely bad smelling tail

    Hi all! So yesterday I bathed Queen, I rubbed down her tail to get off the water and felt an air pocket, I thought thats strange but maybe she's starting to get ready to shed, I poked it to feel where it starts and ends, when I touched it, some air must have escaped, but the most awful smell...
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    Body condition?

    Hi all, Sorry, I don't know if this is the right section, if it isn't I'm sorry. I was wondering if you could help me judge this baby's body condition and if she is in desperate need of rescuing or attention? I think I can see her spine and hip bones. But I want a second opinion just for in...
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    Good weight for his size?

    Hi all, I have a 1+ year dragon that has stunted growth, we believed what the pet shop here said and now he is 12'' with a big tail nip, but really starting to grow fast. Any way I just wanted to make sure his weight is right for his size and age, he currently weighs 230g. Is that okay? Or a bit...
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    Taming a dragon..

    Hi all, well I decided today that from this week on, I'm going to try to tame Gabriel, my sister's 1 year old dragon, I tried before and just gave up because I don't know how to begin, the people where we got him from didn't handle him as a baby so he was wild to begin with but because my sister...
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    Cut the nail or leave it?

    Hi all, when I got my first dragon she had this deformed nail that curled in a circle 2 times, about 6 months ago I noticed that the nail had broken off cleanly, and looked like a normal nail, but today I saw that its starting to grow in a curve again and I'm scared the tip is going to hurt her...
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    Losing weight

    Hi all, I'm posting this because Queen is worrying me. She is slowly losing weight without any reason. She used to be fat and plump, weighing about 320 grams, now she looks on the skinny side and weighed 280 2 days ago, and my other dragon who used to be skinny and didn't gain any weight at all...
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    Black soldier fly

    Hi all, I was just wondering if the BSF is safe to feed my Beardies? I got my tub of Phoenix worms this morning and the guy said that if they turn to flies you can still feed them to my dragons. Is this true? I also got teeny tiny silkworms babies, I was wondering if there are any special...
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    Hi everyone, I just want to make sure that this is indeed Brumation, my Grandmother is concerned and she wants me to make sure ( :lol: ) So Gabriel is now a year and few months, and he is spending most of his time in his hide sleeping, his temps are fine, he gets bathed every other day, he has...
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    UVB Questions

    Hi guys, I recently purchased Power Sun MVBs, the little one LOVES his new light and his true colors are showing, no problems there. But the older dragon just lays under the MVB with her eyes closed and sometimes won't even bask, so I figure it is hurting her eyes or something else. Now I want...
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    Getting 2 new members this weekend... Tips?

    Hi guys, I'm getting these 2 this weekend or next week, These are 2 males, in one cage. One is missing a foot and his tail and the other one is missing part of his tail. He says they are eating...
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    Hi guys! I just bought 2 powersun mvbs. How long is the uvb source good for? And it is a good uvb source right?
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    Sleepy Dragon

    Hi all, I've noticed last week that my female (I think) dragon is sleepy through the day, like she doesn't get enough sleep in the night, the lights go off at 6:30 pm to 6:30 am and I close her head with a blanket because the computer shines directly on her viv. Last week she got moved to a...
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    Hi all, I was wondering if my one dragon is a morph, I took some pics with my phone while I bathed her. I noticed she looked red without flash so was wondering. With flash without flash Sorry for bad quality, took it with phone. So is she a kind of morph?
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    Relocation stress or just feisty?+ Question on harness

    Hi all, I got a 1 year old female on the 16th or 17th December. I don't know how long relocation stress lasts if they go through it. She eats well and looks alert and well. But when I try to take her out, she puffs up her beard and shows warning signs of "leave me alone". I pick her up anyway...
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    I. Hate. Ants. Help?

    I got a tub of roaches 2 days ago. 500 for about $50, it's a lot of money in our currency. Well when I went to feed the dragons some roaches. All 500, Dead, eaten alive by ants. This is the second time this has happened. I put the tub in a little bit of water so they can't cross but it looks...
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    Midges, how to keep away?

    Hi all, it's summer here in SA, and that means flies, mosquitoes and midges... The midges get everywhere! In my roach bin which is covered up, in the dragon's vivs, anywhere where there is food. Is Midges poisonous beardies? And how on earth do I prevent them from going in the dragon's cages...
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    Tried to eat pasta...

    Hi all, my new dragon, Cleo, got out of her viv, I was there of course, but I didn't see a dry tube pasta laying there, I saw she was trying to get it, I got up to pick it up and just before I could get it she got it, I got it out but I don''t know if she bit swallowed a part or a chip or what...
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    Can't find a breeder in SA.

    So recently I have gotten the urge to get another Beardie, but I don't want to buy from the petshops because they really don't care for their babies. Now I live in South Africa and I have searched the internet for an hour looking for a breeder near me. Problem is the nearest real breeder that I...
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    Chomps down on green towel...

    Hi all, I changed the towels in Gabriel's cage today and since then he has tried eating it several times... Why would he do that? He LOVES his greens so I thought that he thought that the towel was some greens but I don't know? He gets fed a salad of mixed greens and squash, then 20-30...
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    Size and eggs

    Hi all, I have a quick question, does the size of a dragon influence the dragon if she lays infertile eggs? Like if you have a REALLY small dragon, will she survive laying infertile eggs?
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