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  1. Pyxis

    Questions About Enclosure Height

    So my baby beardie, Caramel, has finally outgrown her 20 long, and it's time for a new tank. I found an awesome one that swings open in the front so a) I won't have to fight with trying to go in through the top all the time and b) cleaning will be waaayyyy easier. There are two I'm looking at...
  2. Pyxis

    Help with My Dubia Colony

    I know there are a ton of threads on here about this, but I didn't want to distract from anyone else's issues, so I thought I'd ask my own questions, especially since I intend to have a very small colony. I've just gotten sick of coughing up the money for crickets every week and I want to do...
  3. Pyxis

    Named her! Introducing Drizzle the Dragon

    I'm making this thread so I can look back on my memories of my little dragon later. The goal is going to be pictures every day! That probably won't happen, but we'll see. This thread is for me to have memories of my little dragon, so even if no one else reads, that'll be okay. But please do feel...
  4. Pyxis

    New Beardie Owner

    Hello everyone! I just got my first beardie three days ago. I saw him in a pet store, and he was so cute and friendly and curious, and looked to be healthy, and I just couldn't resist him! So I got all the supplies needed and he's just so sweet. I say he but I have no idea of gender. He's seven...
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