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  1. L


    Okay so I've given my beardies collard greens, kale, mustard greens and there was a green that started with E :D don't remember if it was endive or escrole (sp), tried squash( acorn and yellow),zuuccinni(sp), greenpepper, carrots, strawberries. Now not at the same time, well some of them like...
  2. L

    Blood in our males poop

    We have had our beardies since late Jan this year, and they were doing fine. Havoc our male shed 3 times in Feb and went from 12 1/2 in. to 13 1/2 in. In that short time. About 2 weeks ago we notice he looked thin and that our female was always laying on him and just seemed to be the boss. We...
  3. L

    Crawly things...could it be mites?

    Hi this is my 1st post. My name is Cora, but I'll introduce myself better later, I'm worried about our beardies Havoc and Freya. Here is my question. Tonight I was holding Havoc and I noticed something tiny crawling on his head, I then took a really close look at him and found another one. THEN...
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