Search results

  1. MNbeardie

    White beardie breeder?

    I'm going to be in the market for a new family addition in a couple months (gotta finish the cage first). I really like the white beardies, be it a leucistic, hypo, or snow. Does anyone have any recommendations for breeders of these types?
  2. MNbeardie

    Please post pics of your Roach enclosures!

    I've been thinking about going above and beyond the typical 16 gallon tote. Possibly made with melamine a false bottom with screen and removable poo catch under. The idea is to let their poo go through but not them. I have a spare mega-ray heat emitter sitting around so I figure I could mount...
  3. MNbeardie

    SketchUp > new topper for cage

    I got a new saw for Christmas. Now I have the building bug again. Here are the plans for my upcoming cage topper project. I plan to update this post as the project progresses. Feel free to offer any words of encouragement, advice, or questions. Material List: 1- 4x8 sheet of Birch Plywood...
  4. MNbeardie

    Very concerned about weight

    Jack is about 2 1/2 years old and has lost a lot of weight during his brumation. I can't remember his pre brumation weight, but he is now 318g. White he was brumating I had taken his UVB light fixture out to paint it and when I put it back in I had somehow put a normal bulb in (feel really bad)...
  5. MNbeardie

    Flush mount Lighting???

    Has anyone found a fixture to house a heat light (spot or heat emitter), or a MVB in a flush mounted orientation in a wood cage?
  6. MNbeardie

    Help: flush mounting a MegaRay

    I've been trying to find a fixture to safely flush mount my UVB bulb. My tank setup is double stacked with 12" headers between the cages (like those fancy wood fish tank toppers). The headers will have ventilation holes and possibly fans if needed to dissipate the bulb heat. My problem is that...
  7. MNbeardie

    Here's what happens when you forget to feed Jack

    I was working crazy hours the last few days and forgot to feed or even pay any attention to Jack. This is what I woke up to on the 3rd day (my day off).
  8. MNbeardie

    Luecistic Breeders?

    Does anyone know of an established breeder that has a clutch coming up soon? I've emailed at least a dozen of my regular contacts, but none have anything coming. I'm looking for a "Snow" or Leucistic female. All white or white with a hint of orange in the beard would be fine. I'm willing to wait...
  9. MNbeardie

    Sleeping a lot!

    Possible brumation? Or maybe it has something to do with his new cage. I'm still working on his permanent furniture and rock wall, so he's stuck with what was in his small cage for now. Jack wakes up around 0730 every morning when the timer turns his lights on. I feed him 5-8 medium dubia's and...
  10. MNbeardie

    Captain Jack Pics (finally got a new camera)

    DoB: 11/20/08 Twister (sire) x Dixie (dame) from Caliente Dragons Going to try to update w/ more pics as I take 'em.
  11. MNbeardie

    What scale do you use?

    How do you all weigh your dragons? I was half tempted to put Jack on the produce scale when we were shopping the other day.
  12. MNbeardie

    Jack's odd sleeping position (pics)

    He's been sleeping like this the past few nights. Pardon my REALLY bad camera and the flashlight. Camera flash glares off the tank and no flash = black pic so I got fancy with the flashlight and no flash. Anyway, Jack is in the top corner of his viv balancing on a 1" false stump under his belly...
  13. MNbeardie

    Help me find a Leatherback breeder.

    I've been searching and searching for a very smooth red or white leatherback. So far the only reliable breeder I've found with high quality leatherbacks is Daichu. Other than this red one, all I've seen from them lately are shades of green in the leatherback. Does anyone have any suggestions or...
  14. MNbeardie

    What breeders have Leatherbacks?

    I've been searching and searching for a very smooth red or white leatherback. So far the only reliable breeder I've found with high quality leatherbacks is Daichu. Other than this red one, all I've seen from them lately are shades of green in the leatherback. Does anyone have any suggestions or...
  15. MNbeardie

    Picky bather...

    The first few baths we gave Jack we'd fill the bottom of the tub just enough so he would float yet his feet could touch in the middle of tub. He'd run/swim around the edge trying to climb the tub wall. He'd never spaz or thrash, just kept climbing those walls. I read a post somewhere saying...
  16. MNbeardie

    Sold into BD slavery!

    I just got back from my first Beardie produce run. We got some collard/mustard greens, green beans, butternut squash, and a bit of rosemary. It took 45min to clean and bag the veggies. My fingers are raw and red from all the cutting (especially the green beans). Then I had to find some room in...
  17. MNbeardie

    I think I'm in love (pics)

    Sadly, I wasn't quick enough on the draw. She was sold almost instantly. :cry:
  18. MNbeardie

    When is it time to divide your colony?

    How do you know when to start a 2nd tote for your Dubia colony?
  19. MNbeardie

    Dragon's Den Herb (Kevin Dunn) info?

    I read about him in a couple articles online, but haven't found anyone that's bought from him. I haven't seen any reviews on the other reptile forums either. The pics he has on his website are beautiful vibrant dragons, but appear to be a bit higher in price than most breeders. I've been...
  20. MNbeardie

    Radiant Floor heating under tile? Discuss please...

    As I've mentioned before, I work @ Lowe's. Our flooring dept carries a heat mat designed to go under tile, floating wood, and laminate. Anyone that lives in the northern climates knows what it feels like to walk on cold tile in the morning! BrrRrrrrrr! Has anyone ever tried doing this in an...
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