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  1. pepatt

    Between the Eyes

    Sorry if this is repetitive, but I tried searching and can't find a specific answer. How long does the "space between the eyes" rule apply? Is there an age when they can just eat whatever they feel like chasing? I ask because I see the local pet shop owner feed his adult beardies adult roaches...
  2. pepatt

    Food Size

    Sorry if this is repetitive, but I tried searching and can't find a specific answer. How long does the "space between the eyes" rule apply? Is there an age when they can just eat whatever they feel like chasing? I ask because I see the local pet shop owner feed his adult beardies adult roaches...
  3. pepatt

    Asexual Crickets

    OK, what gives here? I bought some crix to feed while my dubia colony grows. I figure I'll raise both crickets and roaches; I like more than one kind of meat, maybe Porter does too! Well, I set up the crickets with some eco-earth in a container to lay eggs in as outlined here...
  4. pepatt

    Sterile Crickets???

    I'm in the local pet store buying some crickets to get Porter by until the dubias start to breed up a bit. I figured I'd buy a few bigger crickets and get them breeding. While talking to the clerk, I asked if she could tell the males from the females. She said,"No, but it doesn't really matter...
  5. pepatt

    Dubia colony questions

    I started a dubia colony a couple weeks ago. It is small (approx. 120 mixed). I have a few questions. I have a heating pad under them with the bottom of the tub reading about 105°, but the air temp is never able to be kept at 90° (more like 78° at the top of the tub). They have vertical egg...
  6. pepatt

    Crackin' up

    Porter going through his first shed.
  7. pepatt

    Dubia dusting

    When I feed crix to my beardie I dust them with a Calcium supplement. Funny side note: Porter won't eat undusted crickets! Do I need to dust dubia roaches? The reason I ask is that I tried to dust them today, but nothing sticks to them!
  8. pepatt

    Growth rate

    Maybe I'm just not getting a good measurement, or not being consistent in procedure, but I could SWEAR that Porter has grown 1/2" in the past 11 days. Is this possible? That would be 1.5" a month. I suppose that's about right if they do most of their growing in the first 12-18 months.
  9. pepatt

    Porter - On the Prowl!

  10. pepatt

    REALLY bad idea!

    No explanation necessary!
  11. pepatt

    Shaky little guy

    I have an issue with Porter today. I have had him for one week. I believe he is about seven-eight weeks old. He's 5.5" long head to tail. This morning I turned his light on and let him get up and moving a bit. After a while I sprayed him down a bit and fed him some nice crickets. At some point...
  12. pepatt

    Little rascal!

    So this morning I put some crix in Porter's world and he just kind of picks at them a bit. Eats one here, another there. Kind of lackadaisical about eating. So just a bit ago I open the lid to get him out for a while, and looking around his cage I said, "When do you poop, mr.?" He climbs...
  13. pepatt

    Bait shop worms

    Hey, I live right down the road from a bait shop. I wonder if their meal worms etc. are safe for my beardie? Don't know what the cost is in comparison to a pet store, but I really just want them as starters for breeding. I'm thinking of breading super worms, too. And crickets. My wife is gonna...
  14. pepatt

    Getting to know each other

    My new beardie, Porter, has amazed me at how fast he has adapted to me handling him. I've only had him for six days now. On the first day he ran from me when I tried to get him out for cage cleaning. Now I just put my hand out and he climbs on! How cool is that? :D Guess he knows he'll get to...
  15. pepatt

    Belly Color

    I have a six week old Beardie. He is my first so I am still learning about these guys. It seems like his belly changes colors. One day it looks all white (tan) and sometimes it looks like it has a pattern on it. Is this possible? Or am I seeing things? Thanks, Paul
  16. pepatt

    Meet what's-his-name!

    Hello everyone! I'm totally new to repiles and beardies. Always liked them, always wanted a Ball Python - but my wife freaked out everytime I would mention it. So, at a company picnic this year there were all kinds of activities and one booth that was set up was turtles and reptiles. Well...
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