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  1. T

    How old...

    ...are Dragons before they stop growing completely? I'm just curious. For the first year I had Spyro I was worried that he wasn't growing fast enough, even thought he was a runt. But in the last 10 months or so he's had a real growth spurt and has even over taken some of my friends Dragons who...
  2. T

    This cannot be comfortable!!!

    I walked into the hall last night to find Spyro this... How can this be comfortable? So cute though. Anyone elses' BDs sleep like this?
  3. T

    Long time coming!

    So I've been using the forum for about a year now and have had loads of help off people with how to care for Spyro and I've been admiring everyone elses babies but I've never formally introduced Spyro.'s the time. Spyro's my 13 month old big, strong man. Hope you like the pics...he's a...
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