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  1. beardedwizard

    Who's coming to the Central PA Expo?

    Hey guys, I'm just trying to see who else will be attending this show? I'm pretty excited as my work schedule the past 2 years has not allowed me to attend reptile shows, and this will be my first in almost 2.5 years! :blob5: :blob8: If you need more information and directions check out...
  2. beardedwizard

    2009 Babies are finally here! Baby Pics!

    I know a bunch of you members have asked me about when I will have babies, and I finally have two clutches that hatched yesterday with amazing results! Tons of Tangerine, Yellows, and Red/Gold! I will post pictures as soon as they shed in the coming weeks. Below are the parents, and if...
  3. beardedwizard

    Friendly Reminder...

    Since it's that time of year again and I reminded a bunch of you last year I figured I'd announce this again... Flashing/blinking lights of any kind are not good for any reptile including our beloved bearded dragons, epileptic seizures are possible, but don't be afraid to let your dragon run...
  4. beardedwizard

    Ed x Snow Flake babies? Post up Pics!

    Hey Guys, I just wanted to see how my kids are doing, and since about 12 of you purchased one of these guys I'd figure I would ask for pictures! Here are some pictures of the holdbacks from that clutch! And you can see them all on my Breeder page of my website, it's updated weekly now...
  5. beardedwizard

    Beardedwizard's children............

    Hi, my name is Anthony, I'm from Annapolis MD, and here are my children........... This is lola, my female........ This is luie, my male..........
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