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  1. Fraggler

    Need help setting up a big osb 3 viv.

    Hey Guys, Time has come for Mangolito to get the space he deserves and will thrive in. His current glass enclosure is way too small, so i bought and put together an Osb 3 Vivarium. I'm never had an reptile enclosure that was not made from glass, plus the dimensions are much bigger so proper...
  2. Fraggler

    Update-- Mouthrot, gingivitis and abcess on lower jaw

    Hey, Apologies for taking so long. Finally after 7 months after adopting and 6 months after posting this thread: Dental problem (mouthrot) need info | Beardie ER I wrote a proper update not only on Mangolito's health and included most other problems and gains he had before adopting and his...
  3. Fraggler

    Periodontal disease, Chlorhexidine or Betadine?

    Hey guys, Recently i adopted Mango (beardy) as the previous owners were not experienced enough or able to take care properly for mango, the gums down on the right are colored brown/ yellow, an abcess has formed on his bottom jaw, and after feeding food gets stuck. His mouth condition was much...
  4. Fraggler

    Dental problem (mouthrot) need info

    Dear Humans en beardies!, I adopted my bearded dragon 4 weeks ago from my job as the ones responsible were not experienced enough to care for him, bad lighting, bad temps, bad diet, malnourished, dehydration, bad appetite (not eating veggies, simetimes fruit whuch was offered too much and now...
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