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  1. Z


    I have a 4 month year old beaded dragon and I love him with all my heart but I have been really busy and he deserves a better life and idk what to do with him I’ve just been struggling and I need help I haven’t had time to spend with him a lot and it’s also hurting me financially can anyone help me?
  2. Z

    Dubia roach breeding. Help?

    I am about to start a dubia roach colony. and im getting 15 adult females and 5 adult males and idk what sizes and how many of each sizes I should get. what should be good sizes and how many to get?
  3. Z


    I want to start a colony of dubia roaches. and im ordering from but idk what size I should order im getting 15 adult females and 5 males and was thinking about getting 50 1.25 sized roaches and since my bearded dragon is a baby im getting 200 small roaches does anyone have any...
  4. Z

    Enclosure adjustments? Help!

    I got a bearded dragon a few weeks ago he has been doing really good he’s been eating drinking pooping. But I noticed when he’s in the enclosure he gets stress marks but when I take him out his marks go away. Idk what this means. Please any advice? His cold side is 70 to 80 His basking spot is...
  5. Z

    Bearded dragon licking and stress marks. Help!

    What does it mean when a bearded dragon licks you? Is it a sign of affection? Also when my bearded dragon is in his cage he’s gets a little darker like he’s stressed but when I get him out and start holding him the marks go away. What can I do to make him not feel stressed in his tank?
  6. Z

    Baby bearded dragon color change. HELP!

    About two weeks ago I got a baby bearded dragon, he’s been doing really good he’s been eating moving around exploring, but a few days ago I noticed his color has gotten a little darker but at night his color goes back to how it usually is. I’ve been really paranoid because this is my first...
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