Recent content by yurtle

  1. Y

    Long lasting basking bulbs

    Hi, I've been using zoo meds "Repti basking spot lamp" for the past year or so. My problem is the bulb only lasts me about a month before it burns out. Can anyone recomend a good basking style bulb that's preferably not too expensive and has a long life span. I use CHE's for my other reptiles...
  2. Y


    Hi, I own a rescued 7 year old female bearded dragon. She lives alone and has never mated or lived with a male beardie. She's layed infertile eggs before and has started her constant digging again. Her current bedding is newspaper/paper towels. My question is to avoid her being egg bound and not...
  3. Y

    Longest lasting basking bulb

    I keep buying basking bulbs for my beardie and they've only been lasting a month, so I was wondering whats the longest lasting brand of bulbs or longest lasting type of bulb?
  4. Y

    Live prey question

    I have an adult beardie that's relatively new, I've been feeding her 5-10 crickets daily and a salad in addition to that, should I be feeding her more/less live prey or is what I'm doing fine?
  5. Y

    soon to be dragon owner with feeding questions

    I plan to get an adult bearded dragon soon, but I have a few questions about feeding. I've looked at lots of bearded dragon care sites and all of them say different things about diet, some say to feed insects to adult dragons daily others say to offer insects only 2 or 3 times a week and I'm not...
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