Recent content by xnikolex

  1. X

    Hatchlings with swollen eyes

    Thanks they are little beauties :D Still eating baby food up no problem and 2 seem to have their eyes open more now. They're not even the smallest 4 of the lot so not like they are the "runts". Have ordered some vit A to put in the baby food and will make some bug slurries for them too and...
  2. X

    Hatchlings with swollen eyes

    Hi thanks for the reply Tracie. Rushing about with my little girl at the moment so sorry for the rushed reply but I'll try answer your questions. They came out of their eggs like that? As soon as their heads appeared I could tell they were swollen The rest of the hatchlings have normal eyes? 14...
  3. X

    Hatchlings with swollen eyes Theres no gunk in the eyes. Since turning off the UVB two of the little ones have become more active but trying to get out of the viv they might be stressed rather than enjoying the UVB being turned off. Ive managed to...
  4. X

    Hatchlings with swollen eyes

    Hi :D (Sorry I also posted this in breeding with no reply so hoping under health someone can help out) I have just hatched my first clutch of beardie eggs - last friday. 100% hatch rate so I really don't want to lose any of these little guys I love them all! I dont post much on here unless I...
  5. X

    Hatchlings with swollen eyes

    Hi :D I have just hatched my first clutch of beardie eggs. So far 100% hatch rate so I really don't want to lose any of these little guys I love them all! I dont post much on here unless I need answers - Im a bit selfish like that sorry. I currently have 13 little bearded dragons with 6 eggs...
  6. X

    Lighting for new set up.

    My local reptile shops swears by these new arcadia flood lamps for their reptiles in store so much so that they even helped their tree monitors start mating! They brightened up colours of reptiles that arent known to colour up in captivity. So my question is in experience which is better the...
  7. X

    Needing some weight gain tips.

    Thanks for your advice I was wondering whether to try encourage them to eat more veg so thanks will try that. And Yeh I get what you mean as long as they are healthy. Any tips to encourage veg eating? They look at it but that's about it lol even my toddler eats her veg these dragons are...
  8. X


    Thanks :) I spoke to my vet today who said that animals have such a keen instinct it may be she knows shes not healthy enough to carry a clutch so she wont breed. She may be able to in future but she will know herself. Don't think Id be able to do that to her though she my little girl. But...
  9. X

    Needing some weight gain tips.

    Ive had my rescue dragons for about a month now and theyve gained about 20g each which is great but they are still only 37cm and 150g severly underweight. O and theyre 2 years old. The vet is happy with them, bone density is great, they have an appetite now ( I previously had to syringe feed...
  10. X


    I have recently taken in a male and female beardie. Both are in pretty bad shape and severely underweight and malnourished. 37cm and about 100g each. Anyways I have rekitted out their viv with correct temps and lighting. UVB 12% arcadia and basking spot 40 degrees with cooler end about 28...
  11. X

    Rescue Beardies

    Argo I get what you mean. These beardies are my main priority just now I check in on them before I even wake my daughter haha. Izzies clicky jaw has stopped vet said it could have been her chomping on the plastic syringe because on her first day here it didnt click while eating crickets and it...
  12. X

    Rescue Beardies

    It's ok Laura. Thanks I will get that ordered today :) Thanks for sharing your story thistle and wow even smaller than my two i didn't know that was possible. Glad to hear you've had so much progress in 2 weeks! I'm feeling optimistic now and no will never give up on these two I have never had...
  13. X

    Rescue Beardies

    Currently I'm using exo terra's calcium and d3 and mixing it into chicken and veg babyfood I have plain calcium powder too they had a small useless uvb light up until I got them should I swap to plain calcium now seeing as they have the right set up now? Tomorrow Im going to try the calci worms...
  14. X

    Rescue Beardies

    Thanks guys :D Went to vet who said yep pretty small - smallest 2 yr olds hes seen so they most definitely cannot go without food any longer. I managed to get 2ml into each beardie today :D I combined calcium with chicken and veg baby food. After the 2nd ml they struggled so i took that as my...
  15. X

    Rescue Beardies

    Thanks for the tips guys :) Its horrible i wake upevery morning wondering if they make it through the night :( ive taken today off work and ill go buy a syringe with a plastic tip and try putting in the side of their mouths - great tip! Once i get something in them ill be alot happier. I heard...
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