Recent content by SexySez

  1. S

    Another UK topic

    13" nose to tip of tail
  2. S

    Another UK topic

    Not even a few a week because Puff loves them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. S

    Another UK topic

    Was going to call him Kevin as thats my brothers name and hes just moved out ha ha Sorry its Morio worms lol dont know what planet I was on!
  4. S

    Stress Marks

    Hea around 6 months old and half brumating as well so I think thats probably why!
  5. S

    Another UK topic

    Ha ha ok Puff does need to get a bit fatter! Got him on locusts and bought some Mario worms today so hopefully he'll like them aswell!
  6. S

    beardie not eating anything :(

    Puff gets his stress marks, especially when he is cold or I put him in the bath! He is soooo much better when I hold him now though. I think (personally) they need to get used to and trust you!
  7. S

    Another UK topic

    Ha ha it just shows how young my beardie is when I saw your pic of George as a baby! I worry about Puff because I see these older ones and they look all podgey and Puff doesnt look like that but I feel better seeing that piccy now. How old was she there?
  8. S

    Stress Marks

    I dont know where to put this so sorry if its in the wrong place. Puff will suddenly go very very dark, I know these are stress marks but when hes been hiding away under the greens and he feels cold they seem even more apparent. Is this normal or do you think there is more to it? He was fine...
  9. S

    beardie not eating anything :(

    Stress marks are the dark marks they get on their bellies. Usually they have white bellies but sometimes they go darker and I know my Puff has very cool marks when his come up!
  10. S

    Viv pics only thread

    Screenkeyx- Them pellets you have in your beardies dish. Do they really like them? Do they supplement something?
  11. S

    Locusts & Worms

    Righty Ho bought some locusts yesterday! Have never seen Puff so keen to eat them! Especially as he seemed to have been off his crix. He wont look at the couple of crix I have left now. Is locust ok to feed as the main live feeder? Also can you tell me, as Puff is 5-6 months if I can feed...
  12. S

    Another UK topic

    Hello My name is Sarah (Sez). I bought my beardie Puff (original I know) in December 08 so still very new to it all. Hes my first reptile and hes around 5-6 months. I live in Didcot, Oxfordshire. Really lucky living here we have a massive power station and a railway centre, both famous...
  13. S

    Look what I did

    Just a start could possibly try more exciting but at the mo it'll do
  14. S

    Look what I did

    Its a 3x2x2 enclosure and hes around 13" from tip of nose to tip of tail
  15. S

    Look what I did

    I am so very chuffed From this Too this Woo hoo and all done today! I am sooooooo pleased with myself as my first project! What do you think? Sez x
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