Recent content by RobotRooster

  1. RobotRooster

    Help Please

    no I have this setup for all three of my bearded dragons, the other two are the fine. Also i should mention when i first got bo and got to about Zos age. Bo did something similar, but she did not eat and seemed uniterested, is there such thing as a woman thing for going into maturity?
  2. RobotRooster

    Help Please

    can't someone please reassure me?
  3. RobotRooster

    Help Please

    i am extremly worried about one of my BDs but hopefully i am overreacting. Zo just seems to be laying in the shade all day with her head down, she will eat 3 locusts in the morning because she cannot resist them but she will not eat anything else. when i pick her up she seems alert she seems...
  4. RobotRooster

    How often should she be doing this?

    so should i not worry?
  5. RobotRooster

    How often should she be doing this?

    i should of mentioned that they are infertile. we do have a male but they are never together
  6. RobotRooster

    How often should she be doing this?

    i am getting a little worried about my Bo, on october the 13 she laid 28 eggs, then somewhere in between that date and now she laid another batch of about 21 and bow she has eggs again. is this normal i have seen her lay eggs and it takes up a lot of energy out of her. is this what they do when...
  7. RobotRooster

    what is she doing?

    i dug up and counted how many eggs she laid. she laid 28 eggs in one sitting 0.o
  8. RobotRooster

    what is she doing?

    that made me laugh never noticed before. thanks for the advice.
  9. RobotRooster

    what is she doing?

    its night time over here at the moment will it be fine if i do it tomorrow? all of it, the soak the removing of eggs? and whats beardie burrito?
  10. RobotRooster

    what is she doing?

    no need for a picture now she just laid her eggs earlier this evening, i am not sure how many there are she has buried them. do i now just take them out? she also looks alot thinner, never new that weight was the eggs, she also chased after two large locusts and gobbled them up, she hasnt...
  11. RobotRooster

    what is she doing?

    im trying to get a pictuere but i am still missing my wires at the moment, also she was around about 3 months when i got her, i will look for these bumps on the legs aswell then, any idea what they look like?
  12. RobotRooster

    what is she doing?

    okay thanks, she jsut seems to be digging at random at the moment aswell as being super hyper, i let her out friday, thought i lost her but i found her upstairs....she climbed about 20 stairs, she also did a small poo behind the telly aswell. we do have a male but we never let them out together...
  13. RobotRooster

    what is she doing?

    i hate waiting, she eat some dandelions today, is there a chance of her getting egg bound? and would she bury the eggs or leave them on top?
  14. RobotRooster

    what is she doing?

    thanks for replying i have eco earth in a crciket feeder in her viv, this would be her first time since she is jsut now over a year old i guess, so would not eating be normal because this would be new to her? also if it is six weeks i would be a little worried if she doesnt eat anything for 6 weeks
  15. RobotRooster

    what is she doing?

    Hi sorry for the delay but i havent been able to get a picture every thing has been moved and i cant find any wires to connect to the computer, but heres what has been happening, she was fine for 3 days (wasn't pacing but eat 2 locusts which was a plus) but this week she has been constantly...
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