Recent content by Naomi

  1. Naomi

    3mth old beardie seems very ill - diarrhea??

    I don't think that dog food would be the best choice for your beardie's diet. It can be very high in fat, and, if I'm not mistaken, may induce fatty liver disease. Feeder insects, such as gutloaded crickets, silkworms, mealworms, superworms, Phoenix worms, or some kinds of cockroaches should be...
  2. Naomi

    Refusing to eat

    Have you tried any other kind of worms? Superworms, perhaps? They're a lot lower on the fat scale, and therefore healthier for your beardie, but they might be close enough that he'll still eat them. Waxworms are generally okay only for an occassional treat. It's not good for them to be a staple...
  3. Naomi

    Refusing to eat

    I think it's possible that his sleeping schedule might be affecting his appetite. I know my first dragon always seemed to do best when I turned his light on at 8:30 AM and off at 8 PM. You can try to play with that a little bit. Also, his diet is concerning to me. Neither lettuce nor carrots...
  4. Naomi

    New baby isn't doing so well...

    I’m a bit worried about my new dragon, and I wanted to see if you guys had any input as to possible courses of action that I could take to help get her better. I recently had her tested for parasites, and her fecal came back positive for coccidia. I treated her for a week with Albon, and then...
  5. Naomi

    Re-Using an Old Tank After AV

    I realize there have been a few posts regarding this, but I had a rather specific question, so forgive me for making a new one. Last January, I lost my baby Hermes to a suspected case of Adenovirus. I am now looking into getting a new dragon, but I would really like to re-use one of his old...
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