Recent content by Maserati20

  1. M

    not GROWING!!!!

    My friend and I bought both bought a BD on the same day, there were from the same liter too, and month 1 later we brought them back together and we weighed them and mine grew more than 20grams and his hasnt grown at all his been feeding it waxworms, mealworms, crickets, and lettuce. but he wont...
  2. M

    BDs and russian tortioses living together?

    Thank you. Was just wondering, I have two cages. Good luck with your third.
  3. M

    Angry Bearded!

    try holding her more so she'll get to like you more, But NEVER stop feeding them even if they refuse alway offer them some if they dont eat it in an hour take it out.
  4. M

    worried, not eating

    Do you have the right light reqirements? cuz the UVB rays cant penatrate through glass. You NEED a UVB light and Basking light on the top of the cage shining in from above not from the side, because i used to not have a UVB light and he became really lazy and wouldnt eat for days! I got the bulb...
  5. M

    Repti Sun 10.0

    this bulb is fine for your BD i have it for mine and he loves it! :D
  6. M

    BDs and russian tortioses living together?

    can i house a male bearded dragon with a russian tortise together why? or why not?
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