Recent content by LunaFierce

  1. LunaFierce

    Can beardies play dead?

    Helix does this everytime I give her a bath. She'll be in the bath for about 15 minutes, then she closes her eyes and freezes. This is usually my warning to be prepared to get her out soon, because when she "wakes up" she spazs like there is no tomorrow. I think she is her way of telling me...
  2. LunaFierce

    Pookie says . . . <Pic Overload>

    Ah! I love the santa outfit!!!!!!
  3. LunaFierce

    Funny pic of Gurgi sleeping. Lets see yours!

    OMG I have not laughed like this for a long time! Thanks! :laughhard:
  4. LunaFierce

    Hello From PA!

    I lived outside of Pittsburgh for 19 years, in a town called Apollo. They have a good show out in Cheswick at the Harmar House. I think the next show is on January 11th and they are usually monthly. I haven't been to a show there since '06, but it was pretty good.
  5. LunaFierce

    Uh ohhh.... someone is gonna get it

    Oh yea! Helix scared Isis quite good. When Helix is out, Isis hides under the Christmas Tree (atleast for now Isis does).
  6. LunaFierce

    Uh ohhh.... someone is gonna get it

    It was just such perfect timing. I did not even know that Isis was in the room! Helix was roaming on the couch while I was surfing the net, so I though I'd take a cute pic of her, then BAM! Isis just popped up from no where, tapped Helix' tail, and then the war began. Helix chased her down...
  7. LunaFierce

    How do you get your beardie to open their mouths?

    The only reason that I don't think that she is burmeating is because she is just way too active and she has lost a little weight. But the two exotic vets that I took her too, don't seem too concerned. Even though she is my own first beardie, I have help raise and breed several with my friend...
  8. LunaFierce

    Lizard Jokes!

    A guy walks into a bar and as he sits down on a barstool he notices there's a lizard on stage telling jokes. The guy asks the bartender, "What's with the lizard?" The bartender replies, "Oh he's the stand up chameleon."
  9. LunaFierce

    Anyone got Lizard Tattoos?

    Love the Tat! Original artwork is the best! Very good job. I too am a phobic of needles, only my fear stems from being 3 and being bit in the face by a cocker spaniel. The wonderful doc did not numb my face as he sutured me up. That is the earlied memory of my life - at least he did a good...
  10. LunaFierce

    dusting and crickets escaping

    I keep a papertowel tube in my cricket container. When they climb up in it, I take one end and shake the crickets out into a Ziploc bag. Then I throw in whatever dust I am using that day, shake 'em up, and then dump them in the viv. If you do it this way, shake the bag up infront of the viv...
  11. LunaFierce

    Beardie Emergency kit

    Hot water bottles for power outtages during the cold months (of course you would need a way to heat up the water). Make sure you wrap a few towels around the bottle to keep from burning your beardie. Fresh canned crickets -yeah they smell and they are not all that nutritional, but they keep...
  12. LunaFierce

    Uh ohhh.... someone is gonna get it

    Helix: Oh no you didn't. Isis, you DID NOT just touch my TAIL!!!
  13. LunaFierce

    How To: Build a dragon leash!

    Brilliant! I'll have to find some sexy color for Helix so that we can show off at the Farmer's Market this summer.... hmmm, mabe I can find an outfit that matches her leash and I can be like those creepy dog people!!!!!! only I got the cooler pet, nah-nah :P
  14. LunaFierce

    thought on pellets and canned and dried food

    A friend of mine gave me this medley of dried grasshoppers, crickets, and other such critters that was mixed with some plant-like material pellets. I believe it came from Drs. Foster and Smith. I really had no plans to feed it to Helix, but for some reason I stashed it in my closet. Well...
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