Recent content by Katelyn

  1. Katelyn's Legacy Uploads

    Katelyn's Legacy Uploads

  2. K

    How bad is sand

    I’ve seen a bunch of stuff about not using sand I was just wondering if I should switch to tiles. Snog my bearded dragon is about 8 months old and I use sand but she never eats it or anything other than the occasional lick. Snog loves to dig around too I was just wondering if there’s any real...
  3. K

    My bearded dragons foot

    So I think he's just going to loose the tip so basically just his nail. His foot has looked the same for about 5 days and the infection hasn’t spread at all.
  4. K

    My bearded dragons foot

    I’ve been putting neosporin on it twice a day and so far other than the necrotic toe his feet already have they’re new scales and he’s just doing so much better from how he was doing thank you for all the help.
  5. K

    My bearded dragons foot

    Yeah I’ll keep a close eye on it so far it hasn’t tracked at all.
  6. K

    My bearded dragons foot

    He’s fine today he at 12 medium crickets and he’s been eating around 10 daily and we are getting him more today and so far the blackness has not tracked up his foot at all.
  7. K

    My bearded dragons foot

    So I have been putting neosporin on his feet but I came home today and the tip of his toe was black and I know this means it’s necrotic I was just wondering if I should do anything but other than this both his feet are doing a lot better.
  8. K

    My bearded dragons foot

    I’ll put some neosporin on it and it was caused py pulling the shedding skin off I’ve just had no clue what to do and I’ve been freaking out so thank you for the help.
  9. K

    My bearded dragons foot

    Recently my bearded dragon had his skin on his foot removed too early by my sister and i would like some help.
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