Recent content by BeardieSUSU

  1. B

    Funny Story (why reptile owners are the best pet owners)

    Warning: It involves poop. I wasn't really sure where to post this, but figured I need to share this with other dedicated beardie owners. About two hours ago, I started to freak out about my beardie. I noticed today that it seems she was either bloated or starting to gain weight. For a while...
  2. B

    Brumation Question: Effect on Growth?

    Thank you! I think I found a nice compromise when it comes to the hide. When she was smaller I had a jungle gym/branch structure she would play on. She's now too big to really rest on top of it, but it provides shade underneath where she likes to nap. It gives her the sense of security, but it's...
  3. B

    Brumation Question: Effect on Growth?

    Thank you! That's what I was wondering. I figured it probably wasn't healthy, that's why I was kind of forcing her to stay active and kept feeding her/bathing her, etc. I think I'll probably take out the rock she sleeps under, just to make it a little easier. I'll check her temps again, and make...
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    Brumation Question: Effect on Growth?

    Would getting rid of her rock help? Whenever I lift the rock up, she seems alert and healthy. She's taking a liking it to it, but I'm worried that she spends too much time hidden. If she doesn't get the UV, that can lead to health problems. She never had this problem before last month or so, so...
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    Brumation Question: Effect on Growth?

    Yeah, I understand how it's really weird for a young beardie to be acting like this, but I don't have any reason to believe she is sick. Also, not sure if this affects anything but I am in CO and its very much still winter here. Anyway I don't believe its her environment, I had help from my...
  6. B

    Brumation Question: Effect on Growth?

    To keep this very brief, does brumation affect growth rate with bearded dragons? My bearded dragon recently went into brumation (at first it was just little naps, but now she's always asleep) and hasn't lost any weight thank gooddness, but I've noticed she hasn't really grown much. Obviously...
  7. B

    Growth Rate Question

    Thank you! That's reassuring to hear. One last thing, what exactly factors into environment? Just his tank size? For example he likes to play on one of those jungle gym log structures but it might get to small for him soon. Will that stunt his growth because he prefers it? Or does it not really...
  8. B

    Growth Rate Question

    I'll keep this pretty short: what factors affect a beardie's growth rate? My 10 week old isn't quite growing how I expected. He eats a healthy diet consisting of how many phoenix worms he can eat a few times a day, squash and kale/collard greens (more collard greens than kale), and I'll...
  9. B

    Phoenix Worms vs Silkworms- New Owner

    New on this forum (and new beardie owner) and I'm having trouble finding an answer on here; are phoenix worms or silkworms technically better? I've done a lot of research about beardies before getting one, but I overlooked one key thing; I HATE CRICKETS AS A STAPLE INSECT. I didn't anticipate...
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