Recent content by aiyoume

  1. aiyoume

    Normal poop?? (pic)

    Some background: I had taken my beardie to the vet last month for a routine check up and fecal test. Everything about her came back ok except they noticed abnormal amounts of bacteria in her poop. She was given an antibiotic (metronidazole), which she took for a 7 days, and a probiotic...
  2. aiyoume

    HELP Is this normal poop???

    She isn’t really digging no, just surfing the glass and running around, climbing things. It’s good to hear her poop is normal though, thank you! :,)
  3. aiyoume

    HELP Is this normal poop???

    I’ve had my beardie for a little over a year but I’ve never seen her urate do something like this??? Last week she was glass surfing and hadn’t pooped in a couple of days. I was giving her warm baths to try to encourage some bowel movements and this week she’s been pooping pretty much every...
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