Hi :)

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Juvie Member
Original Poster
how are you dezilu? :) JIMMIA is growing bigger everyday, we were listening to music the other day :)



Juvie Member
Hi!!...sorry I have been out of the forum lately. I had my dads funeral, and some guests from out of town, and it has been a real odd week or so. Jimmia is looking hreat...does she like music? Dezo loves any vibrations, including my singing and humming. I am a terrible singer, but Dezi loves it.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Oh I am so sorry for your loss :’( my thoughts and prayers are with you and the family :) and yeah, she was intrigued by the music as was different voices lol, I usually listen to stuff from the 40s to 2000s :)


Juvie Member
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!
I think it is great that Jimmia can sit on your shoulder at her age...when Dezi was that young, he was just a little wild man, running and moving constantly. His only interest was food, food, and more food!! He was a bottomless pit, and never seemed to be full! He had no interest in snuggles. He was about six months when he started to let me hug him and would stay near me, or sleep on me. His big appetite did not even begin to slow down, until he was three years old! Normally, they do that at around one year, so Dezi was still in his active growth stage well beyond "normal". Each beardie is so different, really. I have talked with owners of multiple dragons who said none of theirs was exactly the same in personality or preferences. I guess that is one of the qualities that makes beardies so fun!

Are you going to take Jimmia outdoors sometimes? If so, I would recommend training her to a leash and harness early in life, so she can safely be outside with you. I know there are some store ones, but I found that making my own was better. I could make the harness to fit Dezi exactly. If you are interested, just let me know, and I will post photos and how to make it...

Hope you two had a good week end! I had an interesting one, for sure...you are the first on this site to know, that I rescued a baby dragon!! I will introduce her with photos soon...she is a beauty, and was in a very bad situation. I think she would have died, without my intervention. I already love her, she is such a little sweetie, but still a bit shy and wants to be nippy...which makes me laugh because her head is no bigger than my thumb. I tell her, oh, I am sooo scared, you bad girl! Then I kiss her on the head, and she settles right down in my hand. She was only about six inches long when I got her, and has already grown several inches with proper food and light. So, now I am a two dragon person! :)

You have quite a wide range of music interest! Does J show any preference of musical style or a certain voice?


Juvie Member
Original Poster
you are most welcome :) and um it depends, I usually listen to vinyl lps if not the radio, and I listen to The Sound Of Music lol as it one of my favourite movies but lately we been listening to old 78s as got box of them from the next door neighbour for helping them with chores :) and sure, I’d love to see how to make a harness? is their a crocheted way? as my mother loves crocheting :) and here we are the other night snuggling watching tv together, she been very gentle since day I got her, all the other bearded scatter and she was only one stay still :) and as said on my other post I done, I love geckos to as when my dog die she was reincarnated into one and I do that house gecko sound and they come out to eat or check JIMMIA with me to lol :)


Juvie Member
Miss Jimmia is looking very pretty...and she has learned how to beard! I think it is so cute, when they are little, and first try out their bearding skills...My new girl, Miss Penny discovered her beard this morning. :) She would inflate, then deflate. repeat...She seems very proud of herself. I tried to get a photo, but she did not hold it long enough for me to catch it. She discovered her wave last week, and spent two days waving her little arms up, down, and sideways. Just adorable! Dezi, my big boy, now knows she is in the viv, and took quite an interest in her. He did not show any signs of aggression, but he got down on the floor, and marched slowly across the floor in front of her viv. He would suck in his belly, stand high on his legs, and march in one direction, as if showing her his side view, then turn around and march past in the other direction. He did not approach her directly, but would look over his shoulder, to see if she was watching! I will not allow them to be free together, until Penny is much bigger. I am hoping that, with proper supervision, they can become friends enough to at least have some time out in the same room. We will see.

I like vinyl records too..to me, they have a more rich sound than CDs. I dig through any I find at goodwill stores or other resale shops. Sounds like you got a gold mine from your neighbor giving you those 78's! I have the Sound of Music album, too! also Fiddler on the roof, Camelot, Jesus Christ Superstar, Godspell...such classics. People seem to be rediscovering a new appreciation for the old vinyls. I am looking for an old stereo, from the seventies. Those had separate tuning for everything--bass, treble, woofers, tweeters, they could produce exquisite sound, if you had the speakers arranged just right.

I will try to get some photos of the harness I made for Dezi, and all the specs...I made a pattern out of wax paper, so I could adjust the leg and neck openings perfectly to fit Dez, then when satisfied, I used that to trace an outline onto the final material. For the material, I found that a thin, flexible vinyl or plastic worked best. It was easy to cut, did not unravel, like most materials. I found an old vinyl tablecloth at Salvation army or Goodwill. It had a nice color and pattern. Very flexible. I have plenty of left over to make a new one, as he out grows it! Which I have done twice, now. I was going to use leather, but could not find any that was thin and flexible enough. Maybe, if I find some soft leather moccasins in good shape, I will make a leather one, some day.

But I have found he seldom actually needs his harness and leash. He stays on my lap most of the time. I only put his harness on him to protect him if we are out in a public park, so he cannot run off if spooked. It is just for my own peace of mind. Dezi does not care either way. He was a little reluctant when I first put it on him, because it was new to him, but now I slip it on over his front legs and adjust the back, and he is fine with it. It is held together over the back with a silk/nylon chord, the kind used to make bracelets. I have a big roll of the silk chord (black) and can send you a bunch of it, if you cannot find some locally. In fact, I could send you a copy of the pattern, as well! It is easy to draw one, however.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
here is a recent photo of Miss JIMMIA :) how’s your young man Dezilu? :) and new bearded, Penny? :)


Juvie Member
Miss J is really showing off!! What an impressive shot.Is she getting more orange? And how long is she? What are her favorite foods? She certainly looks healthy and well fed. :) Are you learning her language? They talk to us constantly, with facial expressions and body posture. I suspect they are way more intelligent than we might know.

My two are doing great. Eating like champs and keeping me poor, ha,ha! I must get some new photos posted. Miss Penny is now thirteen inches long...she was only six inches when I resuued her. She is not an aggressive dragon, contrary to the dire predictions of the store. spicy, yes. Lets me know she can defend herself, by opening her little mouth and sticking out that cute pink tongue. she has bit me only once, when I was not paying close attention to the signs that she had become frightened. And even then, it was just a quick nip, with very little pressure. i kissed her head and rubbed her eyebrows, and she settled right in for a cuddle. I suspect she will always be my spice girl. :) Her color, instead of getting darker, has become more white with age...almost silver. Her beaury is astonishing.

Dezi is his usual, big happy cuddly orange self. I love our snuggle times. He and Penny are such different personalities--he is laid back, calm and always ready for a cuddle. When out for his walk about, it is slow, deliberate and low energy. She is my little live wire. Fast, fast, fast. and always hungry. This will start to change at around six months. I do get in some nice cuddles with her on my chest, when she is in the mood.

I have decided that the only thing better than being the slave to a beardie, is being the slave to two beardies!

Dezi hanging out on my bed


Juvie Member
Original Poster
I'm very happy to hear your Dezilu and Penny are doing great :) :) Miss J is doing good, I've been feeding her some boc choy, apple, carrot, squash, crickets :) I think she likes apple because that's the main thing I find around the cage, for crickets she eats a few but not many as some told me so I find it a little strange or its just she not really hungry (she probably would will eat about 10 to 15 every 2 days, even though I give her more- so does that sound right, she not eating a lot? and yes I know to take out all the old stuff) :| and umm shd was 18cm (6 inches and 10 grams last month, I've got to do it again on the 10th of August because than I've done it every month) :)


Juvie Member
Good that Miss J is doing so well! That means her slave is doing a good job ?? As to her diet, it sounds fine--perhaps a few green leafy offerings to add? But they all have their own ideas; and sometimes even that is different, from week to week. Dezi, for example, has recently decided that he does not like crickets, after all...His preferred food is now the "nat geo" soft pellets for bearded dragons from the pet shop. he does eat a few super worms, green salad, maybe one cricket, and wants to pig out on waxworms--but I won't give him those except as a very special treat, due to the high fat and low nutritional content. They are the equivalent of a human eating nothing but marshmallows all day! I think that, as long as we provide a good variety, and of course dusted with calcium/vitamin D powder, it is good. Do you dust Her food? I mention this because it is so very important at her age of fast growth. It will be interesting to see how much she has grown in this past month.

My new girl, Penny, has more than doubled in size! And she shows no sign of slowing down. It is normal for them to continue to grow quickly for the first year, then slower for the second year. I have not yet allowed them to be out together. I do not want them to have a bad experience--at his size, Dezi would intimidate her, even on his best, most polite behavior. My hope is that they will eventually become friends, and be able to be out in the room together, with supervision. Meanwhile, they take turns being out on me. They have their own vivariums, in separate rooms. Dezi's is in the TV room, so he has access to his football games. Miss Penny is in my bedroom/the parlor, where I can keep a constant eye on her, and she sees me at all times. I hope this helps her to bond with me. Each morning, I bring Dezi into my room, and set him up on his window perch with UVB lamp and a heating pad. They can see each other, or I can draw the curtain a bit to block their view.

They are very much aware of each other. When Dezi gets down for his daily walk about, he marches past her viv. It is so cute because he tucks up his belly, beefs up his arms, puffs out his beard a bit (but does not darken it) and marches slowly and deliberately past her viv, then turns around and marches back the other way, showing off his very best self. He pretends not to be interested, but he keeps glancing over his shoulder to see if she is watching. She stands still on her branch and gives him her full attention. She does not appear frightened, just interested. I am encouraged by this. If Dezi blacked his beard or approached her face on, it could be seen as aggression, but he is quite polite. When Penny goes to the back of her viv to signal that the greeting session is ended, Dezi stops marching and goes back to his perch. Morning feeding time begins.

I am lucky to be able to spend so much time on my dragons. The more one-on-one time they get with me, the more sweet and docile they become. People are always amazed at Dezi when we go out in public and he calmly greets strangers, even children, and accepts petting and attention. He even allows them to hold him. I seldom offer that, and only if they have experience with Beardies. They must wash hands first, (I offer antibacterial wipes) and I always keep one hand on Dezi. His safety is of utmost importance to me. I used to think that all beardies were so docile, but many owners I meet tell me theirs would never be so calm in public. All I know is, Dezi has gone out with me since he was old enough to be in public, and has always loved the attention. As far as he is concerned, he is the star of the show, and he truly believes that every person will adore him. His innocent trust is precious.

Do you have any more photos of Jimmia to share?

here are my two. Mis Penny has grown more and more white, almost silver! It is stunning. After a shed, her white skin glistens-she practically glows in the dark. The photos do not do her justice. And Dezi remains his big, orange, beautiful snuggly self.

Penny is my little silver queen

she allows snuggles when she is in the mood. Always, on her own terms.

Big, orange and beautiful DeziLu

He watches Penny from my bed. She is in the viv on the back wall


Juvie Member
Original Poster
that's awesome thank you very much :) I'm trying make her friendly as much I can, I let my mum Pat her and my older brother :) I will wait to she's a little bigger before I take her anywhere :) we sometimes sit in my room listening to music, she's being more observant and trying run but I get her or I lay down and she tries ninja attack my face or tries squirm under my arm and threw my shirt lol :) sorry :( and sure, here is some more photos of JIMMIA :)


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Hey Dezimom, how are you? how is dezilu and penny? :) jimmia is getting bigger everyday, here is a recent photo of us both :)


Juvie Member
hello! I am happy to hear from you! We are ok, the dragons better than I am, I must admit...I am recovering from some illness and have not been so active, online. But better, now. I have some great new photos of my crew, but have to get them up on my photos place on this site. Penny is growing like crazy!! She is over thirteen inches, now, and shedding all the time. Will write more, maybe tomorrow? It is good to hear from you and J, who is lovely, as always. Hope you are doing well, also. Photos, soon!
Penny has been exploring her world a bit. She likes to go out of her viv, but gets a bit spooked and needs back, after a little while. Here she is, peeking out the window, on Dezi's window perch.



Juvie Member
Original Poster
dezismom":ofi2nrdk said:
hello! I am happy to hear from you! We are ok, the dragons better than I am, I must admit...I am recovering from some illness and have not been so active, online. But better, now. I have some great new photos of my crew, but have to get them up on my photos place on this site. Penny is growing like crazy!! She is over thirteen inches, now, and shedding all the time. Will write more, maybe tomorrow? It is good to hear from you and J, who is lovely, as always. Hope you are doing well, also. Photos, soon!
Penny has been exploring her world a bit. She likes to go out of her viv, but gets a bit spooked and needs back, after a little while. Here she is, peeking out the window, on Dezi's window perch.


thank you very much Dezimom :) little J is now 6 months old :)
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