Yellow Fungus...

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Juvie Member
Pretty sure my babygirl has it.. or some other fungus..
I've been doing the whole Betadine, Lamisil, and Witch Hazel treatment as everyone keeps suggesting..
3 days now.. But it's spreading still.. more and more weird grey patches keep showing up on different areas of her..
She's constantly dark, her appetite is down(but she's still eating) and she's drinking a lot more..

What scares me most is that this only started appearing a few days ago...
and it's gotten so much worse since then...


this is what it looked like originally.

Since then, it has gotten darker and you can't differentiate between the different scales in that patch, as if they've dissolved or something.. more and more spots on her body, mostly individual scales, are starting to go like that..
this is the only real 'patch'.. and there's a bit on her face now.. over her eye.....

I'm taking her to the vet on Saturday..hoping I can get a fecal for them, but she doesn't want to eat..

AHBD Sicko
Hopefully that's not what it is. That picture there doesn't really look like it to me. Can you post more pics ?


Juvie Member
Original Poster
AHBD":tb6gvbsk said:
Hopefully that's not what it is. That picture there doesn't really look like it to me. Can you post more pics ?
Yeah, it didn't act like it either.. spread a bit too fast and did weird things.

And, well, you can't have more pics of her leg fungus..
because it's kind of missing..



the vet tried to get a sample of the fungus so he could do a biopsy/culture, but messed up and nicked a vein.
pressure didn't help, and it was gushing, so they cut away a lot more of the skin so they could attempt to close it with hemostasic sponges and stitch it up..
the stuff I took a picture of now is completely gone, now. Kind of, except that it's probably still inside her.

I did not get to go to the vet, by the way, due to extremely unfortunate circumstances. my brother and father who know almost nothing of her took her. >.< the vet wrote up a report of everything major that happened, and like 90% of what he wrote is a step-by step of what they did to fix her leg after they messed up.

but ugh, regardless of that mishap.

she was prescribed Baytril, Silver Sulfadiazene, and some meloxicam as an added bonus(it was free, and I am assuming that it's because of the stitches and extra cutting).. I think she liked the baytril.. I had to force it into her mouth, but after it was all gone she bit the syringe again like she wanted more. I am hoping that that means it will be easier to give it to her tomorrow. x3 it looked and smelled like kid's bubblegum cough medicine

AHBD Sicko
Poor thing, he really chopped her ! I might have thought the entire visit would be free of charge after that mistake. As far as the other spots that you say are appearing, can you take pics of those ? That's what I meant as to other pictures. Please post more may be something serious, but it may not be after all. Not all beardies have perfect, blemish free scales. On the plus side, she looks very healthy and alert.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
AHBD":1la1tdcf said:
Poor thing, he really chopped her ! I might have thought the entire visit would be free of charge after that mistake. As far as the other spots that you say are appearing, can you take pics of those ? That's what I meant as to other pictures. Please post more may be something serious, but it may not be after all. Not all beardies have perfect, blemish free scales. On the plus side, she looks very healthy and alert.
It ended up being $418.50, and mum was annoyed.. she likes the whole idea of everyone opening gifts with eachother on xmas, and hates that now i'll kinda just be sitting there watching and being awkward. "I hope it lives, and that you're happy with not getting xmas gifts! -_- I bet you want a redo now" me: Are you kidding me? I'd rather her live than get xmas gifts.. mind you, this is actually what I asked for for xmas xD and pfff if you're so concerned with that, want me to wrap up some of the stuff I already have in my room on xmas eve? I can give myself some manga, an ipod, a phone, some plushies.. I can sign it 'from Santa' and everything. :roll: "Maybe.."

They're symmetrical, so it doesn't look weird to someone who hasn't seen her before.
It's just stuff like her sidespikes randomly started getting brown/orange centers, whereas they were pure white before. Same with her beard, it's turning orange. This happening over the course of a few days is alarming. Like her happy colours contain more colours. :/ Used to be entirely pale yellow with some grey, now it's like orange and brown and darker yellow with like 50% pale yellow.. She hasn't shed in weeks, so I didn't think this could happen? But it has..

She's a lot less alert than that today, i'm guessing she was only alert like that because of the pain.. she's on pretty high dosage for her weight painkillers now, though, so she's back to her droopy state..

I'll try to post pics in a bit, in the middle of preparing for a birthday party for my cousin. It's apparently supposed to happen in an hour, I thought it was at HIS house because ours is a mess, but apparently it's supposed to happen here and we have to make everything presentable in a little less than an hour.. :roll:

AHBD Sicko
Actually, the beard could change color, sometimes it's not noticeable as a dragon grows, sheds, moods change, etc. It's always a good idea to post pics of anything suspicious on this site before going to a vet, there are experienced people [ not just anyone, but Drache613 in particular] and long time owners/ breeders who can have a look at many suspicious looking blemishes or irregularities and help determine if it's something to be really concerned about. When you get a chance, post some pics of her beard + other spikes. Spikes can be funny looking just because they are easily caught or rubbed between cage furniture, rocks, etc.


Juvie Member
Hi we have been fighting YF for a month now and that sure doesn't look like it. YF is a flesh eating fungus and in the area normally all the scales fall off right Down to the skin. Did he take blood samples also?
I'm still trying to figure out how she got cut? Our vet had special tweezers and just pulled the scales off then had another like mini scraper to get to the effected area and get the culture.
Also don't be afraid for a second opinion if you have another vet or a local specialist. Not a breeder, most good breeders have vets. If your vet wants her on antibiotics please research this first and don't be afraid to ask how he will supplement effects.

I just want to give you options that's all. I hope everything works out.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
AHBD":vey6r84e said:
Actually, the beard could change color, sometimes it's not noticeable as a dragon grows, sheds, moods change, etc. It's always a good idea to post pics of anything suspicious on this site before going to a vet, there are experienced people [ not just anyone, but Drache613 in particular] and long time owners/ breeders who can have a look at many suspicious looking blemishes or irregularities and help determine if it's something to be really concerned about. When you get a chance, post some pics of her beard + other spikes. Spikes can be funny looking just because they are easily caught or rubbed between cage furniture, rocks, etc.
I'll try to post some pics tomorrow. I'm too exhausted from work lately, sometimes i'm literally forcing myself to stay awake until 10:30(when I started her meds it was 10:30, and i'm trying to keep the 24 hour thing as exact as I can..)

I don't think she could have gotten every single one of her sidespikes stuck in something. D:

And I understand colour change happens, but it happening over the course of a few days to an adult(hatchdate being March 24th 2009) dragon who's not in shed seems a bit strange to me.. None of it's irregular, it's all symmetrical. Which is SO WEIRD.. o_O;


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Halister":29g4atqf said:
Hi we have been fighting YF for a month now and that sure doesn't look like it. YF is a flesh eating fungus and in the area normally all the scales fall off right Down to the skin. Did he take blood samples also?
I'm still trying to figure out how she got cut? Our vet had special tweezers and just pulled the scales off then had another like mini scraper to get to the effected area and get the culture.
Also don't be afraid for a second opinion if you have another vet or a local specialist. Not a breeder, most good breeders have vets. If your vet wants her on antibiotics please research this first and don't be afraid to ask how he will supplement effects.

I just want to give you options that's all. I hope everything works out.
I don't think he took blood samples. x.O
I wasn't there, so I wouldn't know. :/ I certainly would have asked for bloodwork had I been there..
I don't exactly know what happened, but my dad says they said that they had to cut more to be able to properly close the wound. >.>; I don't know what they did, but i'm guessing she was being fake-calm and faked them out before going SPAZZZZZZZZZZZ... because she does that ALL the time.. she's gotten soap in my eyes countless times during pre-bath scrubs.. >.>;

It's just Baytril and then some pain killer.. looking at her leg, i'm assuming she needs the painkiller.. and I don't think i've really heard of any ill effects coming from baytril. o_O

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Wow I am sorry about your dragon's leg! They did not check for a vein when puncturing for a biopsy?
After reviewing the pictures & based on your description of how it suddenly came on, it just doesn't act like or look like yellow fungus.
If you look at her foot in the picture it almost looks like a shed coming on. When was the last time that she shed?
How old is she?
The leg has got to be sore. The meloxicam is a pain killer so that is fine she is on that for a short bit. What is the Baytril being given for right now? The silvadene is a great cream though.

Usually, for diagnosing yellow fungus, a biopsy really is not necessary. A basic simple scale & or skin scraping will do just fine.
When are they supposed to have the test results back for you?

I hope she is feeling better soon.


Juvie Member
Drache613":23s4b6hz said:

Wow I am sorry about your dragon's leg! They did not check for a vein when puncturing for a biopsy?
After reviewing the pictures & based on your description of how it suddenly came on, it just doesn't act like or look like yellow fungus.
If you look at her foot in the picture it almost looks like a shed coming on. When was the last time that she shed?
How old is she?
The leg has got to be sore. The meloxicam is a pain killer so that is fine she is on that for a short bit. What is the Baytril being given for right now? The silvadene is a great cream though.

Usually, for diagnosing yellow fungus, a biopsy really is not necessary. A basic simple scale & or skin scraping will do just fine.
When are they supposed to have the test results back for you?

I hope she is feeling better soon.

I totally agree with Traci, thats why I asked if blood work was done to rule out a deficiency or something that could cause the skin to turn color. Our tests didnt come back for 3 weeks. I was told fungus skin cultures take longer due to identifying.

Lets hope its not yellow fungus. Its a very dangerous desease to these little fellas.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Drache613":1jurecdb said:

Wow I am sorry about your dragon's leg! They did not check for a vein when puncturing for a biopsy?
After reviewing the pictures & based on your description of how it suddenly came on, it just doesn't act like or look like yellow fungus.
If you look at her foot in the picture it almost looks like a shed coming on. When was the last time that she shed?
How old is she?
The leg has got to be sore. The meloxicam is a pain killer so that is fine she is on that for a short bit. What is the Baytril being given for right now? The silvadene is a great cream though.

Usually, for diagnosing yellow fungus, a biopsy really is not necessary. A basic simple scale & or skin scraping will do just fine.
When are they supposed to have the test results back for you?

I hope she is feeling better soon.
No shed, that's just how she's looked recently. :/
She hatched March 24th 2009, so she's a bit under 2 3/4 years old..
She hasn't shed in a really long time, I can't remember when exactly, but it was during Summer..
I wasn't there, so I don't know WHY or HOW they did what they did, but judging by the number of things the vet's writeup said that they did to try to stop the bleeding.. most of the 1 1/2 hour visit was them spazzing out and fixing her leg..
and that's what i've been hearing(that they only need a scale or a scraping..)
I don't even know what they were doing, but I see the results and they are facepalm worthy.
If one of us had messed up that badly at work(I work at a dog/cat vet clinic).. I don't even know.
We'd be fired, and probably sued.. plus, a lifetime of "Omg I almost killed that dog/cat"
One of my bosses has 2 beardies, so I told her about it today..
Her response was that it doesn't matter how flaily she can be, it's their fault for letting their guard down.
They said 7-10 days, so i'm confused as to how they're going to identify something that fast.
Granted, the facilities we have around here are top-notch, but if they're testing for something that needs to grow..shouldn't it take longer? I don't know. I really wish I could have been there to know what exactly the vet said, but I had to work and getting her there was kind of urgent..

and I have no idea what the baytril is for. >.>; *re-reads note*'s also 'to help the wound heal'.. Oh wow. So basically none of this will help her get better, only keep her from getting worse because of the sliced leg. :/ ...ideas? Tips? Suggestions?

Also, on a completely different note, do you know a good place to order Panacur from?


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Halister":2qq96jmm said:
I totally agree with Traci, thats why I asked if blood work was done to rule out a deficiency or something that could cause the skin to turn color. Our tests didnt come back for 3 weeks. I was told fungus skin cultures take longer due to identifying.

Lets hope its not yellow fungus. Its a very dangerous desease to these little fellas.
Yeah, this visit was kind of a disaster.. I specifically asked my bro to bring a fecal and my dad to ask for bloodwork.. I suppose they both forgot.. DX

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Normally it should take up to 21 days for a fungus to grow properly. I don't think it would grow in 10 days or less.
Just keep her leg dry & put the cream on the area daily to help make sure it doesn't get infected. I am sure her leg is sore too though.
How is her appetite doing today?
So, her foot has looked whitish like this for awhile? Maybe it is the lighting here online, it just appeared that the foot area was looking to shed soon.



Juvie Member
Original Poster
Drache613":8qfk1ppl said:

Normally it should take up to 21 days for a fungus to grow properly. I don't think it would grow in 10 days or less.
Just keep her leg dry & put the cream on the area daily to help make sure it doesn't get infected. I am sure her leg is sore too though.
How is her appetite doing today?
So, her foot has looked whitish like this for awhile? Maybe it is the lighting here online, it just appeared that the foot area was looking to shed soon.

I have no idea what they're trying to do with that chunk of her leg, then. D:

It's mostly the lighting, but she's always pastel like that. The bloodloss made her even paler..
When she's about to shed, she usually turns darker rather than lighter and a lot more faded.

She doesn't really have an appetite today.
The past few days, she's been acting like she wants to brumate..
and it's like Babes, you're on medication.. I don't think I can let you do that.. x.O
Plus since she's all sicky, who knows if it's brumation or something more sinister?
This girl I know's beardie got sick and died when she thought it was brumating. >.>;
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